Member Since: 12/12/2005
Band Members:
12 Stones, 4th Avenue Jones, Anberlin, Andy Hunter, Art Tatum, Audio Adrenaline, Avalon, Babyface, Blindside, Breaking Benjamin, Brian McKnight, Brianna Rhubee, Carla Vallet, Chasing Furies, Chevelle, Craig David, Day of Fire, DC Talk, Disciple, DJ Tiesto, Dream Theater, Earthsuit, Erase, Evan's Blue, Falling Up, Flyleaf, Frou Frou, Ginny Owens, Grits, Imogen Heap, Jaci Velasquez , Jars of Clay, Joe Satriani, Jordan Rudess, Josh Groban, Joy Williams, Katherine Mcphee, KJ-52, Kutless, Lucerin blue, Mainstay, Maria Carey, Martina Mcbride, Michael W. Smith, Miri Ben Ari, Miss Angie, N.E.R.D., Newsboys, P.O.D., PAX 217, Peace of Mind, PFR, Pillar, Plumb, POD, Rachael Lampa, RED, Skillet, Snake River Conspiracy, Staci Orrico, Stevie Wonder, Stryper, Subseven, Switchfoot, The Art Heist, The Benjamin Gate, The Postal Service, Thousand Foot Krutch, Toby Mac, Whitney Houston, X-ecutioners, Yolanda Adams
Sounds Like:
Type of Label: Major