I like to meet people who are funny, open, honest and true with who they are and what they say. People who aren't judgemental and who LOVE to laugh out loud and don't care who's staring strangely at us, cuz we're having fun, dammit... I'm all about keeping it real and don't have time for playas or wannabes, but get along with just about everyone.
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Sooo much to mention here and know I'll miss someone if I actually list it all, but I love pretty much everything. Everything EXCEPT country - too freakin' whiny! Love house, techno, rock, metal, pop, classical, funky funk, blues, jazz, old school...and everything in-between. I hear new (at least to me) music all the time...which I learn about from friends or whatever. Seems to depend on what I'm doing/going through...the mood I'm in and who I'm hangin' with. I love that everyone in my life has different tastes in music...keeps me rounded...musically-speaking:)
All-time fav is Run Lola Run - such an awesome flick, if you haven't seen it, do it now!
I love the show HEROS...so good...and for whatever reason, I seem to be addicted to Laguna Beach - mostly just good goss. Love watching the Canucks play hockey and try to catch a weird animated show called The Oblongs? It's pretty funny, in a warped, crazy way (with voiceovers by Will Farrell) - check out the website, it's even more warped than the show! Sunday morning wake and bake watching Spongebob Squarepants.
The Count of Monte Cristo
I wish I had a hero:`( Actually, I think the firefighters who helped in 9/11 are the epitome of heros.