I'm Kevin, Graduated from Parkville high. I'm currently just workin and keepin at a future career in music somehow. But thats just as far as income goes, otherwise, music is my way of life in general. I write and record my own songs as well as play guitar in my band - Synonyms for Sound.
I'm always looking for people to play with. I dont care what instrument you play just ask for my number and ill play with you. I also give free lessons to those who request them.
I believe in putting nothing but heart and soul into all my work, and I except nothing else besides that from the music I create and the people I create it with.Music is my biggest passion in life and I'm extremely glad I found it.
I'm into almost every style of music, I don't support limiting myself when it comes to listening. Although I do limit the amount of lightweight "fluff" or meaningless music I listen to.