Bob Freakin' Burk profile picture

Bob Freakin' Burk

I am focusing all my energies on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lie

About Me

Radio broadcaster (or DJ if you prefer), gym rat, aspiring pro wrestler, jokester, life of the party and part time superhero. plain layout @ HOT

My Interests

Pro Wrestling is probably the closest thing I have to a hobby. I've been a fan since I was a kid and watched All Star Wrestling out of Kansas City. I like to find out everything I can about it, it's history and the people who have lived the lifestyle.

I'd like to meet:

Alyssa Milano, Shakira and Angelina Jolie's parents so I could tell them thank you.

My Peeps
Man I have a buttload of friends

T. Wayne

Has a little too much Barry Manilow on his Ipod for my taste

The Jumpfather

Chief Humping Air

Has a really nice buffett table

What she sees in me I'll NEVER know



Double D

She's Maggie-ly Delicious!



Sir Joseph Jones

Speaks Carny remarkably well

Knows all the words to Bohemian Rhapsody

Buff is the stuff!

That's "Meteorologist" Dan Holiday to you, sir!

He only LOOKS like a mild mannered reporter.

Best voice in the biz

Why, yes...I DO know Radar!

Sarah ROCKS!

Little Texas and my buddy Duane Propes

Is all that hottness REALLY necessary??



But wait...there's more...
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I'm a dj at a country radio station BUT that doesn't mean that's all I like. In fact, I don't even like ALL the stuff we play OR all the artists (cough) Kenny Chesney (cough). Country has it's share of bad songs just like every other genre. I have pretty wide tastes when it comes to music. Anything from Aerosmith to Louis Armstrong. However, if you listen to my MP3 player, it has nothing but rock and heavy metal because I wear it when I'm at the gym.


Porn! No...not really....well...ok....a little bit! I love going to the movies. If you're looking for me to give a list of my "All Time Favorite Movies", I'm not sure I can do that. There are WAY too many to mention.


Honestly, I don't watch alot of tv. The shows I DO watch are usually re-runs. The only show that I watch religously every week is WWE Raw. I know, I I's my hobby. I also really like Whose Line Is It Anyway. I watch alot of Comedy Central as well.


Any books I can read about pro wrestling. I sort of dig the Harry Potter books although I haven't been able to get into the latest. One of my favorite books in High School was Midnight Express. It took me 3 months to make it past the first page but once I did I couldn't put it down.


People who have dreams and take steps to make them come true.

My Blog

Do you believe in Karma?

Let me start by answering my own question.  Yes...I do believe in karma.  Believe in it...yes......seen it work.....yes.......understand it  Have you ever felt like you...
Posted by Bob Freakin' Burk on Thu, 21 Feb 2008 05:11:00 PST

Long time comin’....

Man, am I bad about blogging.  I guess maybe I don't find my life that interesting right now so I don't think anybody else would either. are a few tidbits about my life right...
Posted by Bob Freakin' Burk on Thu, 29 Nov 2007 03:38:00 PST

Busy but great weekend!!

Hey all.  Well..I promise this blog will be much more positive than the last one  By the way, a lot of you messaged me after I wrote my last blog asking me if I was ok and just checking up o...
Posted by Bob Freakin' Burk on Sun, 15 Jul 2007 09:32:00 PST

Thoughts of the tired and worried

Hello Burkamaniacs!'s 3 a.m. and I'm wide awake suffering from what is apparently a pretty good sized panic attack.  I don't really know why I get them but I do get them once in a wh...
Posted by Bob Freakin' Burk on Tue, 26 Jun 2007 01:46:00 PST

The "No real reason for a blog" blog.

Yeah, yeah...I know...haven't "blogged" in a while.  I really haven't felt like anything remarkably exciting has been going on in my life but I figure...hey...if Beej can post blogs for no reason...
Posted by Bob Freakin' Burk on Tue, 09 Jan 2007 11:33:00 PST

Random musings

So..I finally realized that I hadn't updated my profile in forever because honestly I haven't had the energy.  I also realized that I never posted the blog that I had promised was
Posted by Bob Freakin' Burk on Tue, 17 Oct 2006 02:37:00 PST

Everyone knows it's BLOG!

Well...I realized that it's been over a month since I've written...mainly because I've been busy but also because sometimes I don't feel like talking about myself.'s a quick update: -...
Posted by Bob Freakin' Burk on Tue, 08 Aug 2006 05:30:00 PST

My Blog(na) has a first name.....

Just thought I would post a quick update on a couple of things. -My new trainers are AWESOME!  The nuturional part was tough at first but things have balanced out now and it's not that bad. ...
Posted by Bob Freakin' Burk on Wed, 05 Jul 2006 01:57:00 PST

A few random things

Hey everyone.  Just a few random things. -This Saturday I go to KC to meet with my new personal trainers.  They run "The Body Shop" up there and have been working with my friend Karleigh to ...
Posted by Bob Freakin' Burk on Thu, 15 Jun 2006 01:04:00 PST

Random thoughts of a bad blogger. I know I haven't written a new blog in seemingly forever.  I also realized as I was looking back at my previous blogs that I tend to be whiney about stuff.  Sorry!
Posted by Bob Freakin' Burk on Tue, 02 May 2006 11:38:00 PST