Making Money, Women, Power, Cars, Travel, Hosting Events, Meeting New People, Having Fun, Playing Basketball, Golf, Tennis, Etc....
Inspiring, Knowledgeable, and Wise people that are not afraid to share their experiences and knowledge with someone egar to learn and acheive.
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My music collection consist of about 8000+ songs. I have everything from Beethoven to Narvana to Ozzy Osborne to George Benson to Jay-z. I like all types of music but of course I have my favorites.
Unless you're watching 24, Nip Tuck, Family Guy or Football your just wasting your time. TV was invented to make you fat and lazy!
The Richest Man in Babylon
The Automatic Millionaire
The Prophet
48 Laws of Power
Think and Grow Rich
All of the elders that came before me that had to suffer and struggle thru the early years of America to make it possible for me to enjoy life and live the way I do. Thank you!