Well I have a passion for Martial Arts and will always love it. Then lets not forget going out with the boys and just gettin crazy up in the club and meetin new people. Hell new people is the best people to meet. (if you can read between the lines you know what I'm talkin bout)
What's your favorite....
Beverage (non-alc) ? Tropicana Twister
Beverage (alc) ? Belvedere and cranberry
Color ? Silver
Food ? Mexican, Baked Chicken
Item of clothing ? Air Force 1's(casual) Johnston&Murphy(Dress)
Meal of the day ? Fast Food
Feature on yourself ? My Hair gets the most attention
Quality in a guy/girl ? One that don't need me and I don't need them.
Phrase ? I ain't givin ya shit! keep it movin!
Song ? Ask of you by Rapheal Saadiq
Musical Artist/Band ? Jodeci
Sport ? Martial Arts and Football
Movie ? Hoodlum & Friday
TV Show ? Don't Have one
Radio Station ? 97.9 The Beat
Type of Chocolate ? Dove Chocolate
Eye Color ? Green
Do you/Have you ever....
Have any pets ? No
Smoke ? Yeah
Drink ? Yep
Have any piercings ? Yep
Have any tatoos ? Two full sleeves
Cheat on a boyfriend/girlfriend I have before, but I'm grown now
Had sex ? Yep
Gone streaking ? Naw
Gone skinny dipping ? Once or Twice
Been to Europe ? Yeah
Been to an island ? Yeah
Had stitches ? Yeah
Broken any bones ? Yeah I broke my leg
Been stabbed/shot ? No thank God but I've been shot at.
Slept until after 12:00 ? All the time
Stayed up all night ? Yeah
Danced like a whore ? No
Hooked up with 2 people in one weekend ? Yep
Turned down a dare ? I don't think so
Which friend....
Is the funniest ? That Nigga Dre
Is the prettiest ? Ms. Renee you know who you are
Is the most handsom ?
Is the loudest ? A.T.
Is the craziest ? A.T.
Is the most shy ? Don't really have shy friends
Is the most loving ?
Is the most understanding ? Me
Is the most boring ? None of us is boring
Is the richest ? Shit ain't no body rich I know
Is the most athletic ? A.T.
Is the most cocky ? Jay
Is the biggest sex icon ? Me
Is the most wordly/cultured ? Damien
Do you look up to the most ? A.T.
Do you tell everything to ? A.T.
Has the best clothes ? Me and PJ
Has the best house ?
Would you ever....
Eat pizza with chocolate chips ? Nope
Kiss someone of the same sex ? Hell No
Cheat on someone you love ? No
Run away from home ? Don't have to, I got my own shit
Lie to your parents ? I have before
Lie to your boyfriend/girlfriend ? Done that too, but don't have to
Lie to your best friend ? No
Give a homeless person money ? Maybe
Run from the police ? Hell yeah
Bungee jump ? Maybe
Sky dive ? I doubt it
Cross dress ? No!
Be an exotic dancer ? Naw, that ain't me
Walk out of a restaurant without paying ? Done that before I couple of times
Scuba dive ? I Might
Go rock climbing ? No
Go spulunking (caving) ? No
What do you think of when you hear....
Eminem ? Good rapper
Bologna ? Nasty
Hott ? Nothing
Orange ? Nothing
Real world ? T.V. show
Fuck ? That's my word
Jack ? Nobody I know
Cucumber ? Nothing
Hip-Hop ? Dancin
Uniform ? Damn time to go to work
UniCORN ! ? Nothing
Rainbow ? Gay
Clown ? Hate em
Your True Nature by llScorpiusll
The quality that most appeals to you: Sex Appeal
In a survival situation, you: Fight, and enjoy it
Your hidden talent is: Seeing the best in others
Your gift is: Sexual prowess
In groups, you: Feel uncomfortable
Your best quality is: Your kindness
Your weakness is: Being predictable
Quiz created with MemeGen !
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R&B, Rap, and a lil bit of old school.
The Color Purple, Hoodlum, Scarface, Harlem Nights, Casino, Pulp Fiction, Roots Goodfellas, Carlito's Way, I'm Gonna Get You Sucka, Shaft, and anything else that makes me laugh
BET, TNT, ABC, You-Pick-A-N***a
Jesus, Dr. Martin Luther King, Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, there's alot more but I dont feel like typing it......oh hold up. Forgot one....Incredible Hulk