fat & sexy profile picture

fat & sexy


About Me

So... hihi... about me...
try to make things myself... haha!!

FAT & SEXY is a "moving" collective who try (and just try... hihi) to promote alternative artistic and cultural movements... in France for the moment... and I am one of them...

I am one of the founders of the Rest In Pieces Label , a breakcore and industrial drum'n'bass label under Creative Commons License.
We have released the RIP 01 on september 2005 with tracks by ZOMBIE from BEHEMOTHBREAKZ crew (Czczecin, Pl).
The RIP 02 have been released in august 2006 after some stupid problems, with trackz by ZOMBIE , GVK from "Martel en Tte" (Toulouse, Fr) and Likka + Mr Brekunit members of the Acid Poney Club (Paris, Fr).

I don't play any instrument, I am not Dj or musician...
I am just addict...
I don't make music "myself", I spare you that... haha!!
But try to broadcast good things... I hope...

My Interests

Travels, Music, Party, Work...ye...

I'd like to meet:

Mr Sarkosy,
a bear,
Bob Marley,
George Abitbol the most class man of the world,
and Charles Bronson.


N.Y. Hardcore, punk, grindcore, break, indus, hiphop...and more


Peter Jackson and shark movies... héhé


no way!


Some specialz THXz for all help and support: Mc Mohrr, Popsipops, FuelInSekt, the "sexy staff", Nomémie, Elsa, the "fat crew", georg van truc, the kouzz... Meyer Sound and soulseek friendz... héhé