Art - comic books - movies - road trips - guitar - music -Indie films - Poetry - Shakespeare - Pop Culture - Books that catch my interest - the smell after it Rains - Monet -Jim Morrison - DIY - Zines - Inside jokes - Late night bombfires - rumy - Rafting - snowboarding - monchichi's - My Car - wearing my unglasses - Hoodies - Walking barefoot - Funny conversations or mishaps - Driving with the windows down - Drawing - Painting - computer animation - screenwritting - talking for hours late at night outside- classic harley davidson motorcycles- classic british cars - guitar - tattoos
Creative, intelligent, intillectual, coffee drinking indie kids who love Harry Potter. Old School nick watching, sega playing, comic book reading nerdy kids. Some other small town kids seeking the big city life, so i can stop hurting myself for attention and amusment. A decent guy, who will treat me nice and be soemwhat romantic. Wont go crazy, is career driven and not a bum.For famous people i would love to meet dead or alive... Jack Kirby, Frank Miller, Brody Dalle, Shirley Manson, Eric Clapton, Bob Dyllan, Jim Morrison, Ryan Gosling (YUM), Stan Lee, Claude Monet, Auguste Rodin, Georgia O'Keefe, Jim Henson, Walt Disney, Chelsea Handler, Kyle Fletcher, Shannon Hoon and John Larson, Kathy Griffin Pope John Paul the Second and finally the guy who invented Bagle Bites...
I keep a open mind and listen to anything...I Love This Man! RIP LIZARD KING!I'm mostly into Classic Rock, Hard Rock, Punk and Indie rock... some of my Favs.. The doors - The Animals - Blind Melon - Nirvania - The Ramones - The Clash - Rush - Rocco Deluca and the Burden- Eric Burton and the Animals - Damnation of Adam Blessing - The Yardbirds - Eric Clapton - Bob Dylan - Janis Joplin - Carving Theo - Adam Again - Acid Bath - The Distillers - Tiger Army - Rancid - Hot Water Music - NOFX - Bad Religion - The International Noise Conpiracy - Drop Kick Murphys - Pulley - Guttermouth - Led Zeppelin - This Microwave World- The Valley- bloom- The Hopefuls- Cruiserweight- Grand Champeen- Waxing Incomplete- Deviates- Beatsticks- Death by Stero- 1208- Agnostic Front- Millencolin- The Halloways- Bad Religion-
I'm a movie lover.... My sister and I are constantly renting movies.... Across the Universe, King Arthur, Sin City- Rocky- Indiana Jones Movies- The Breakfast Club- St.Elmo's Fire- Bad News Bears- Superbad- LXG- X-Men- Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind- Monty Python Movies- Battle of Shaker Heights- Big Fish- Alot Like Love- Saw-movies that make me think, have twisted endings, and have a good concept.
Quantem Leap, Miami Ink, Project Runway, Quarterlife, that 70's Show, Just Shoot Me, The Big Bang Theory, Home Improvement.
I read when I'm in the mood. Alice in Wonderland, Harry Potter series, Chronicals of Narnia, EverWorld series, Speak, CATAYLST, Pure Sunshine, The Things They Carried, Tuck Everlasting, Girl A Novel, Parzival: Quest for the Grail Knight, King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table, Romeo and Juliet, Juleus Casar, MACBETH, Edgar Allen Poe Stories, The Outsiders, Perks of Being a Wallflower, Kurt Cobain Journals The Princess Bride, Post Secret, Catcher in the Rye...
My Family