my both Bands BxCxMx (GrindyCrustPunk) and Rotz666 (BlackMetal Crust) , other Music and photography ... click here to get to my Photography Site
Fast & Heavy like:Angantyr, Entombed, Dark Throne, Nasum, Skitsystem, Phobia, Bolt Thrower, Dying Fetus, Immortal, From Ashes Rise, Doomtown, Zerstört, Xawara, Asschapel, Acursed, Bombenalarm, Cyness, Mayhem, Zeke, Vomitory, Vader, Impaled Nazarene, Rotten Sound, Demonic System 13, Rambo, Genocide SuperStars, Cop On Fire, AC/DC, Disrupt, Exhumed, In Battle, Just Went Black, Vald and more more more! Oh yes, i've forgot Johnny Cash!
Splatttttttttttter & Trashhhhhhhhh!
everytime switched "off" ... sometimes simpsons + ran & stimpy
Henning Mankell
The Terminator