I'd like to meet people who are fun to be around, who can have a laugh, who are on the same wavelength as me.
I like athletic, fit, toned people, easy on the eyes :o)
I tend to like people less than 6ft tall, cos I'm only a lil guy and tall people just make me look even smaller :o(
But since almost everyone is taller than me it's not something I can really avoid.I like to meet people who are sweet and caring.
most of all, I like making people smile, and that in turn makes me happy.I don't like people smoking, it's a terrible thing to do and something I've never been able to understand, why anyone would willingly want to inhale highly toxic fumes into their lungs, willingly damaging their health!? For fun? whats fun about deliberately killing yourself? making your self tired and draining your energy? how fun...And drugs! eeeep! why? if you wanna buzz, if you wanna make yourself have a good time you don't need chemicals! theres loads of other ways to get a thrill that don't make you dead.I'll admit to drinking, I don't drink a lot but I think alcohol in moderation is highly acceptable in a social environment, but getting totally bladdered isn't something I can say I enjoy, I dis-like the loss of control and not being able to walk properly and the throwing up and the 3 days of bad stomach and headaches afterwards isn't fun.
But I like to be a bit giddy and tipsy.So, in short I'd like to meet people who look after themselves, who are a little crazy in a funny way, who enjoy going out and doing things, and who has a lot of stuff in common with me, maybe a little nerdy and into sci-fi and anime and the likes.View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment