About Me
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Myspace LayoutsI grew up in the small town of Baxter, Iowa. I spent 4 wonderful years at Iowa State University and graduated last May. After 6 years, Keith and i decided to tie the knot last June and then moved to Cherry Hill, NJ for a year. We recently relocated to Minnesota and are loving it so far. I am working as an account coordinator with an advertising company called JT Mega. I work with the Hormel Deli account, so I have been learning a lot about ham, beef, and turkey.Likes: Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches, DVR,The Oceans, The 1980s, New York City, Shopping, Tailgating at ISU games,vacations, Friends and Family, Sports, Us Weekly, Beautiful sunsets, Sleeping in, Flip Cup, Sweatpants, Mario Brothers 3, Keith, Pizza Hut breadsticks, Beer PongDislikes: Star Wars, Harry Potter, Nascar, Lord of the Rings, Most vegetables, New Jersey Drivers, Jersey Circles, Mean people, Carnival rides, Cleaning