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found this cartoon layout at HOT :: MyHotComments Myspace Graphics

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Create a Myspace LED Scroller What is the angel form of your spirit?
~Guardian Angel~
A protecter. A fighter. A defender. You will do anything to protect the ones you care about. You wll even self sacrafice yourself for them. You think they deserve more than you, and you think its your duty to protect them, in anyway you can.
A guardian, will help, physically and also emotionaly, But they will also protect themselves.
"I will die to protect, to know that.. i have done this for those i care about"
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Myspace Graphics

Death through freak supernatural incident
You are going to die in a freak vampire/werewolf incident. I would start carrying garlic and silver bullets if I were you. There is something weird about your demeanor, and evil is attracted to you. Plus you may be a little attracted to evil too.
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Ooh, you're a dark one. Sitting in the corner, singing to yourself, playing with matches and twitching. Most of the time you instinctively avoid company, and if you're forced into close proximity, things do not go well. You can probably stop stabbing that teddybear now. It's not going anywhere.<

Myspace Layouts at / Edgar allen poe's the raven

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My Blog

balloon boy (hoax?)

Okay by now everyone has probably seen the whole balloon boy thing about the 6 year old boy in Colorado who for the majority of the day was thought to be trapped in a weather balloon that had someh...
Posted by on Thu, 15 Oct 2009 23:38:00 GMT

why do people like this exsist

the other day i reading  a friend on another sites rant about a site she found when she looked up the word goth  this is what she found  after reading the absoulute...
Posted by on Wed, 07 Nov 2007 16:29:00 GMT

i swear im surrounded by idoits (work sucks)

okay i take care of my the entire floral department im the only person in itso i do all the ordering so when product comes in that i dont order it tends topiss me off because it means someone did somt...
Posted by on Mon, 24 Sep 2007 22:47:00 GMT

i wanna know if its okay i dont feel bad

okay so me and my aunt liz stopped at a gas station because it was hot and she wanted a soda  well this one near where my sister works has these 40oz  sodas for 75 cents  i got the job of filling the ...
Posted by on Sun, 02 Sep 2007 15:41:00 GMT

what the hell is wrong with people

okay im usally a preety laid back person but i do have my breaking point that being when someone comes up to me acting as if thier views are the only ones that seem matter and that thier way of life ...
Posted by on Sat, 01 Sep 2007 19:33:00 GMT

jury duty

i had to go to jury  monday  i got selected  i always get pi cked im cursed  that way im also cursed by always ending up with either idoits , frea ks, or assholes working with me monday was no different...
Posted by on Fri, 24 Aug 2007 18:41:00 GMT