i'm a music junkie. i don't think i can live without hearing music and watching live gigs. i like having my photos taken with the band guys. i like having my CDs signed. i'm turned off w/ artists who brainlessly sign it. artists who bother to ask my name/personalize their signature/dedication on my cd album earns extra brownie points in my book. that sez a lot about caring for the fans.
i love the quiet poetic beauty in things/sceneries. orange-pink sunsets and cirrus clouds leave me breathless. cute puppies (and other cutesy animals) make me smile. i like mush. i'm emotional. i'm a drama queen.
i'm squeamish. i'm a bit OC. i give extra pogi points to guys who speak and write english well. i have the compulsion to watch out for grammar booboos. ok, i'm geeky that way! hah! i have neither the innate talent nor the burning desire to play any kind of sport.
i'm quick-tempered. i make sarcastic/mean comments but i'm actually a nice person. really. even if i have an evil stare and pouty lips. i can be a biatch though when provoked.
oh and would you believe it, i have the same birthday as hitler!
Bring Josiah Leming to Manila!