27th April! 1st gig! Platypus Duck profile picture

27th April! 1st gig! Platypus Duck

Putting the "unk" in Pop Punk since 2004!!

About Me

The musical phenomenon that is Platypus Duck started back in 2004. Four lads (Michael Jones, Alex Braziel, Peter Jones & Jake Blewitt) wanting to play a bit of Pop Punk music. Everything was going swimmingly till they hit a wall, with side projects firing off in all directions. Michael went into Fight In The Garden, and Jake into False Intentions. After these small projects dispersed the band reformed, except with the small change of drummer, MEAS! Meas came and took over the skins and once again we were kicking ass. Playing more gigs and getting out of stafford. After an AMAZING year and a half with Meas, he left to be in "A Skylight Closes", we said our sad goodbyes. We went through a variety of skilled drummers, but we couldnt find the right one. Then out of the blue Platypus Duck were asked to play at the Stone Festival August 2007, WE HAD NO DRUMMER!! Luckily Meas agreed to help us out for this last momentous gig, which sucked (the gig, not Meas). Shorlty after Peter left. So once again PD were left drummerless AND now BASSISTLESS!! But luckily Michael knew a lad by the name of Jay Prosser! Jay was a Double Bassist, wierd yes, but never-the-less, they encorperated it, and it sounds AWESOME!! Next they needed a drummer, so Michael spoke to the lovely Eric at Guitar & Son who recomended Lee Barnes. SO now the Four Mighty Horsemen of The Platypus Duck Kingdom are preparing to come to a venue near YOU!!!!OOH ye!! If you wanna help us spread the word add [PD] to your myspace name, THANKS!
We are looking for gigs all around The UK. Please contact on PD-Mail . Thanks!!
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The Video for "All I Wanted" Please watch and comment on what you think!!

My Interests


Member Since: 12/11/2005
Band Website: platypusduck.tk
Band Members: Michael Jones - Rhythm Guitar & Lead Vox
Alexxx Braziel - Lead Guitar & Backing Vox
Jay Prosser - Double Bass
Lee Barnes - Drums
Influences: Blink-182, The Starting Line, Goldfinger, Angels And Airwaves, Green Day, Taking Back Sunday, Pennywise, Fall Out Boy, +44
Sounds Like: We have a new kinda edge to our sound.
We no-longer use a conventional electric bass, oh no, we use a Double Bass played by the one and only Mr Jay Prosser. So were still Pop-punk but with that little edge to it. Check us out soon at a venue near you in 2008!
Type of Label: None

My Blog


HEY! We are going in the Studio early next year to record our 6 Track Demo!! So soon we will have better recordings and new songs up!!
Posted by 27th April! 1st gig! Platypus Duck on Thu, 21 Dec 2006 03:59:00 PST

Last night rocked

Where to begin. Last nights gig fuckin rocked. Distant Glory played an amzing set and were awsome for there first gig. they played with loads of confidence and had thhe whole room involved. Undefined ...
Posted by 27th April! 1st gig! Platypus Duck on Mon, 08 May 2006 03:53:00 PST


Ok. There is infact a song uploaded. Its a live version of Scratch Beneath The Surface, With Lyrics that you can read aswell!! BUT its not WORKING!!! Apparantly its still processing. Stupid Myspace. A...
Posted by 27th April! 1st gig! Platypus Duck on Sun, 19 Mar 2006 07:29:00 PST