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About Me

The OGC.......born Clarence Harris sometime ago in Mobile, Alabama.Music has always been his first love, growing up with a real sense of importance in the music field. The OGC left his roots, moved out west and helped form a band called ANALYSIS,in which they toured the California coast where he met Dr. Andre Johnson, his musical "brother", a forward thinker that formed the company SKIP TO MY LOOT RECORDS. SKIP TO MY LOOT RECORDS at the time had only one artist, so when The OGC relocated to Las Vegas, he saw the need for a record label to help hot aspiring artists reach their dreams so he moved it's operations to the city with the heat...and put SKIP TO MY LOOT ENTERTAINMENT to the next level in the game.His new CD ...BAD DAY TRY MISSING ONE is very inspirational driven. It's songs of hope that will inspire you. He then started RED CARPET RECORDS for a more diverse type of music from RnB to Jazz And Christian genres. OCG ONE of GODS CHILDREN Clarence Harris .. .. .. .. ..Sign Up for - .. .. .. .. .. (function(){ if (!window.ning) { return; } var age, gender, rand, obfuscated, combined; obfuscated = document&183;cookie.match(/xgdi=([^;]+)/); if (obfuscated) { var offset = 100000; obfuscated = parseInt(obfuscated[1]); rand = obfuscated / offset; combined = (obfuscated % offset) ^ rand; age = combined % 1000; gender = (combined / 1000) & 3; gender = (gender == 1 ? 'm' : gender == 2 ? 'f' : 0); ning.viewer = {"age":age,"gender":gender}; } })(); window.xg = {}; xg.addOnRequire = function(f) { xg.addOnRequire.functions.push(f); }; xg.addOnRequire.functions = []; xg._loader = { p: 0, loading: function(set) { xg._loader.p++; }, onLoad: function(set) { xg._loader.p--; if (xg._loader.p == 0 && typeof(xg._loader.onDone) == 'function') { xg._loader.onDone(); } } }; xg._loader.loading('xnloader'); if (window.bzplcm) { window.bzplcm._profileCount = 0; window.bzplcm._profileSend = function() { if (window.bzplcm._profileCount++ == 1) window.bzplcm.send(); }; } xg._loader.onDone = function() { if(window.bzplcm)window.bzplcm.start('ni'); xg.shared.util.parseWidgets(); var addOnRequireFunctions = xg.addOnRequire.functions; xg.addOnRequire = function(f) { f(); }; try { if (addOnRequireFunctions) { dojo.lang.forEach(addOnRequireFunctions, function(onRequire) { onRequire.apply(); }); } } catch (e) { if(window.bzplcm)window.bzplcm.ts('nx').send(); throw e; } if(window.bzplcm) { window.bzplcm.stop('ni'); window.bzplcm._profileSend(); } }; window.xn = { track: { _globals: { screen_name: null, subdomain: "XRadio-biz", is_owner: false, is_admin: false, is_member: false, join_date: 0, request_method: "GET", trace: "ade34d51-eae8-41c8-9f65-b84d34d1bfd2"}, event: function() {}, pageView: function() {}, registerCompletedFlow: function() {}, registerError: function() {}, timer: function() { return { lapTime: function() {} }; }, _trackingHost: "", _jsDebug: false } }.. .. .. .. &160;

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