NO BANDS/ARTISTS/SINGERS ETC. Il find you if you're good enough.
Hola! I'm Kenny (like it says) If I send an add request, dont get freaked out, i'm hunting around for peeps in the Glasgow area.... I'm an electronics engineer an am lookin for me first real job since finishing uni, an I want a mortgage. Which would have seemed really WEIRD to say a couple years ago.
Into: Going out, goin to gigs, the cinema blah blah blah I build stuff. Been making things since I was 4 or summat, I reckon i..m pretty good at it! :p It might not be cool, but I build a lot of random electronic stuff, model kits, like DIY, all that jazz. Taking existing stuff and making it better rocks as well. Thats what I wanna do for a living mebbe. I also play bass guitar! Been at it for...6-7 years?
Here comes the deep/crap/hippy shit bit.. I dont care what people think of me. I dont need to change who I am for anyone unless I WANT to. I dont dress in whats cool. if you look at me and think "what a mess" I dont care. I probably dont need you in my life. If you can see past what i'm wearing and see the person, you have a chance.
I wanna say that I friggin hate ppl who have these utterly pish emo statements or names for their pictures on their profile. Captions are fine, self indulgent wank is not. You took the pic with a didnt spent 6 months painting the fucking thing, it does not need a bloody name!
There are no points for 2nd place. There is no point just doing something- aim at being the best you can possibly be at everything you do. "I did ok considering I wasnt trying" is a cop-out and half-assed. Even if you fail, you should be able to say there was nothing you could have done differently, but make sure you know WHY you failed and come back stronger. I aim at the top of everything I do. I find out where my limits are, and I aim above them. I will not puss around in the background- I will make an impression
Aim at the top, do not accept anything less than the best. If you are able bodied and able minded, there is nothing beyond you if you try. To settle for average, you are letting yourself down and disrespecting yourself. Hobbies, jobs, skills, if you arent willing and determined to be the best, just move on.
Do not rely heavily on past achievements- use them as a springboard, not as a fall-back support. You are only as good as your last work.
Sergio (OCX/Spanish Knights "PXT") says it well: "If you dont believe.. no-one else will."
"In resigning your post, keep early in mind. When you are no longer fit to hold a position, do not be tempted by avarice or pride to continue in it, but rather retire whilst your energies are still active. When meritorious services have led to fame, it is time to follow the heavenly rule and retire into obscurity. If you do not resign in time, you will not only lose your fame, but being unable longer to perform your duties adequately, you will also betray your trust"