Mountain biking, shooting skeet and trap, snowmobiling, and anything else one can do outdoors...
Create yours at!
Chuck Norris. Warren Buffet. My great-grandfathers.
Everything! Country, rock, rap, R&B, soft rock, smooth jazz, classical, the list is endless...
Super Troopers, Top Gun, Transporter, Goonies, National Lampoon's Family Vacation/Christmas Vacation/European Vacation, Dumb and Dumber, Wedding Crashers, Boondock Saints, Officespace, Fight Club...
The Simpsons, The Family Guy, The Daily Show, Sportscenter, NCIS, The Unit, The A-Team, Knight Rider, The Office (freakin' hilarious!), Entourage
Currently reading the 6 ridiculously large textbooks to study for my CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) Exam.
My dad, people not afraid to take a chance and make a change, either in themselves or in the world.