Sabotage UK are not just a band. They consider themselves a collective of artists with the drive to make the difference and be different.
Up to now, Sabotage UK have performed a debut show at The Storm Club, Leicester Square, and have sparked curiosity amidst music fans in general, and some members of press, and the common question is - Who are Sabotage UK, and how have they escaped the net, which so many bands often find themselves trapped in, and hence fail to progress?
The answer is pretty obvious from the band's point of view; " why dream of being accepted in circles you don't belong, and thus ignore trying to reach to those that belong to your circle."
In other words, Sabotage UK are driven by the passion of making music they Love, and refuse to debate aesthetics within circles of doubtful taste, granting them they are communicating exclusively with like minded people; people driven by passion, new ideas, interesting views, and most of all, an open mind to accept new ideas, as well as being able to formulate their own opinions.
Those are indeed the people Sabotage UK aim to seduce!
(C)&(P) - 2009 - mYOGENIc
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