*junko* profile picture


About Me

Your Inner Blood Type is Type A
You seem cool and collected, though a bit shy.
You are highly driven and a perfectionist, but that's a side you keep to yourself.
Creative and artistic, you are a very unique person who doesn't quite fit in.
People accept you more than you realize, seeing you as trustworthy and loyal.
You are most compatible with: A and AB
Famous Type A's: Britney Spears and Hilter What's Your Inner Blood Type?
Your Heart Is Blue
Love is a doing word for you. You know it's love when you treat each other well.
You are a giving lover, but you don't give too much. You expect something in return.
Your flirting style: Friendly
Your lucky first date: Lunch at an outdoor cafe
Your dream lover: Is both generous and selfish
What you bring to relationships: Loyalty What Color Heart Do You Have?
What Your Underwear Says About You
You like your underwear to make you feel girlish and pretty. Let's hope you're a chick.
You're sexy, in that pinup girl, tease sort of way. The Underwear Oracle

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