Travis McGee, Serge A. Storms, Skink, OMG I can't believe I forgot Dave Barry (sorry Dave), Miami Fins,Sebastian the Ibis, bowling, softball, Skynyrd, Allman Brothers, CDB, Jimmy Buffett, Van Zant, Mafia, Florida History, workouts, commercial fishing, longlining, swordfish...there must be more but I am drawing a blank..
Old, married people with kids. Old school mates. Other Floridaphiles. Others with an intrest in the Mafia. Dolphin fans. Canes fans. Southern Rock fans. And anyone else who might have something interesting to say. Mr. Dorsey, I'd love to meet you too...and no, not Tommy :) Anyone who could help me not drop the ball.Seriously, its like I'm playing basketbowl out there.Get Your Own! | View Slideshow
Didn't I do this all ready? OK, ummm Buffett, Skynyrd, Allman Brothers, Charlie Daniels Band, Hank Williams, Jr., Van Zant,Sauce Boss, Doc Watson, Muddy Waters, Tampa Red, Charlie Don't Shake, John Anderson, Pavarotti, 2 Live Crew, Ludicris, Anquette, Miami Bass ...seriously, I listen to everything and anything so to keep this list from...well listing...I'll leave you with that.
How Florida Are You? Your Result: You are a pure Floridian
You were probably born & raised in the sunshine state. I'm sure you know all about being soaked with reclaimed sprinkler water and have grown bored of evacuating constantly.
A League of Ordinay Genlemen, Godfather, Goodfellas, Porky's, Old Man and the Sea, The Day the Earth Stood Still, Jaws, The Secretary, Devil's Rejects, Angels with Dirty Faces, Blues Brothers, Animal House, Monty Python, my collection is huge, but thats all I can think of off the top of my head...
football, Law and Order,SpongeBobSquarepants,Mike Neto on Northeast Angling and On The Hook... bowling-especially if its Norm Duke...damn hes hot, anything on MSNBC Reports, I don't really have any 'shows" just whatever is on at the time.table width="184" border="0" cellpadding="
There is no where near enough room, but here are some of my favorites...McGee, Storms and Skink. Again, I can't believe I forgot Dave I'm an idiot! Florida history books, informative books about the Mafia and the occasional Star Magazine...yeah I know, but at least I'm honest about it!
Anyone in the military and most parents!