Mick profile picture


I'm gonna write my words on the face of today, and then they'll paint it....

About Me

Made with the MyTheme myspace editor
AIM - HeartlessAngel01

My Interests

Music. Video games. Guitar. Skating. Drawing. Reading. The beach.

I'd like to meet:

Shannon Hoon September 26th, 1967 - October 21st, 1995


{fav. band: BLIND MELON}, skinny puppy, ministry, pink floyd (the final cut), misfits, angry samoans, Ludwig Van Beethoven, early danzig, download, frank sinatra, buddy holly, the dead milkmen, Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy, dead boys, the buzzcocks, sid, oHgR, the white stripes, the minutemen, danny elfman, prick, Peter Ilich Tchaikovsky, pigface, screamin' jay hawkins, psychic TV, hocico, johnny thunders, Carl Stamitz, new york dolls, the ramones, the cramps, dean martin, negativland, stiff little fingers, snog, black lung, subhumans, crass, david bowie, sex pistols, Johann Sebastian Bach, syd barrett, the damned, turbo negro, ween, helmet, CKY, stiffs inc, mr bungle, fantomas, fugazi, crass, GG allin, MSI, the germs, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, johnny cash, RATM, sloppy seconds, soul asylum, alien sex fiend, unified theory, Antonio Vivaldi, sublime, the jats, alice in chains, suicide commando, the ventures, hilt, Franz Schubert, chuck berry, ricky nelson, soundgarden, bob dylan, NIN, CCR, counting crows, deftones, dessau,.......more to come.


well i've worked at two video stores so far. i've seen damn near everything. too much shit to mention. lots of good stuff. my favs are "The Godfather I, II & III" "rebel without a cause", "donnie darko", "sessions 9", "LOTR", "the legend of hell house", "dueces wild", "gangs of new york", "letters from a porcupine (blind melon documentary)", "the butterfly effect" and pretty much any movie that lacks a happy ending. i love old horror flicks. everyone should.


CNN headline news, the history channel, family guy, A&E, DBZ, and any other news stations. i don't like TV too much. there's always something better i could be doing.


if you don't like the life you live in then books function as an easy escape route. god bless them.


Opie & Anthony and of course, that meaty breasted nothing...Lil' Jimmy Norton.

My Blog

Will Enough Ever REALLY Be Enough?

I know this won't come as a surprise to anyone who owns a TV with access to basic cable, but I feel the need to chime in on this.I'm sure everyone has heard about the violent reprisal in the muslim wo...
Posted by Mick on Tue, 19 Sep 2006 08:04:00 PST

To Set the Record Straight......

Time to vent a little into the open air.Originally I had no intention of bringing this up but I feel compelled to set the record straight for the folks who witnessed this bullshit last night. Though ...
Posted by Mick on Fri, 14 Jul 2006 09:36:00 PST

Apply Directly to the Forehead!

I want to kill the people that do those 'Head On' headache relief commercials.Now they have one for hemerroids.Fuck! I hate TV!!!!!I'm going to test a long range nuclear missle on their headquarters i...
Posted by Mick on Tue, 04 Jul 2006 03:54:00 PST

The Stage Is Set......

Mission Accomplished.Chrissy and I returned from Myrtle Beach last night having acheived our goal. We found an apartment in MB less than 20 minutes from the ocean. The place is absolutely amazing and ...
Posted by Mick on Sat, 01 Jul 2006 11:43:00 PST

When the Going Gets Tough.....

Just in case you didn't happen to notice the counter on my page slowly ticking away, I figured I might as well come out and say it.Chrissy and I are getting the hell out of Ohio at the tail end of Aug...
Posted by Mick on Wed, 31 May 2006 10:47:00 PST

And So the Sun Sets......

Well yesterday I actually got stoned, even at the risk of blowing 3 months of being drug free.The sad part is I don't think I enjoy it anymore. Actually....I know I don't.How odd that something that ...
Posted by Mick on Fri, 21 Apr 2006 05:49:00 PST


Happy 420!
Posted by Mick on Thu, 20 Apr 2006 10:32:00 PST

quote of the fucking day:

He who wishes to lead the orchestra must first turn his back on the crowd. - o.O?
Posted by Mick on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

a lament of innocence....

quite often lately i have engaged in lengthly discussions with various aquaintances of mine about who was the greatest painter of all time. these discussions have not been bound by any certain type of...
Posted by Mick on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST