Drewlander profile picture


Be relentless!..

About Me

My Interests

Spending time with friends, Science, Radiology, Biology, Anatomy, Automotive technology, Chemical Sciences (yes... I am a nerd), Cars, F1, WRC, MOTO GP, working on cars, Movies, TV, Music, Snowboarding, Paintaballing, Basketball, Football, Tennis, Swimming, Rock Climbing, Kickboxing, Go Karting, Cooking, & EATING!!! :)

I'd like to meet:

people who want to be met, people who believe they can make a difference in this world, people who have a burning drive to make something of themselves, people who dont, people who enjoy having friends, people who kinda enjoy having friends, people who don't over analyze things, people who are easy going, people who love the same things as myself, & most importantly: people who believe no friendship is a burden... and ABSOLUTLY NO MEAN PEOPLE. AIM-SN : honda roku PUT YOUR I'D LIKE TO MEET SECTION HERE! Changes may take up to 2 mins to show on your profileView All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment


alternative, rock, hip hop, r&b, slow songs, sappy slow songs, sappy fast songs, angry songs, angry fast songs, angry slow slongs,songs that sound okay, songs that sound good, songs that sound really good, and everything in between. =) if you're looking of particular bands: don't even get me started.


300,Fight Club, Kill Bill, Momento, Pi, Hero,Gladiator, Matrix, The Sixth Sense, Final Fantasy, Appleseed, Final Fantasy VII, Monsters Inc, The Incredibles, .... and FINDING NEMO! plus a lot more....


TLC(I like to learn), Animal planet, The Discovery Chanel, almost anything bio related, E-NI-SHO DEEEEE! , Naruto, Bleach, Family Guy, everything on speed chanel except that gay ass roundy-round (NASCAR), Simpsons, and a lot more, but i cant think of them right now.


god, and the one man who's always been a god in my eyes: grandpa.

My Blog

*sigh* ces't la vie

so it's a little complicated. things aren't bad, yet, they aren't great. i'm finding all the right things in the wrong places. nothing ever goes as planed. the theory of equilibrium says that for ever...
Posted by Drewlander on Mon, 14 Nov 2005 12:57:00 PST