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Julian Hallow

About Me

I was born and raised in Southern California but now move around alot due to my job. I end up having to move about every three to six months which really sucks at this point but money calls! I hope to be able to settle down someplace on a permanent basis in the next year or so but we will have to see what happens.I am Scots, Irish, Cheyenne, and Blackfoot. I have a pug named Goblin, Three male chinchillas - Voodoo, Loki, And Roswell, and one female named Luna.I consider myself to be a very spiritual person. I guess that I would have to call myself a traditional witch but that does not cover everything. I have studied and practiced the craft for about 25 years now. I have ran a coven in the past but am solitary at the moment. I am into high Magick as well but also Buddhism, tantra, yoga, and love crystals as well. I also love mythology of about any culture or time period, like to find all the correlations between different pantheons. Occult and metaphysical subjects are fun to chat about so if you are into these kinda things and want to "talk shop" feel free to say hello. I always loved any thing about witches, warlocks, vampires and things that go bump in the night, LOL now I am one! Cool how at least one thing worked out! It was be a witch or a pirate, it's easier to be a witch nowadays! Lets see, some of my favorite writers on the subject would be: Doreen Valiente, Gerald Gardner, Aleister Crowley, Isreal Regardie, Lon Milo DuQuette, Janet & Stewart Farrar, Patricia Crowther, Ross Nichols, Philip Carr Gomm, Donald Michael Kraig, Christopher Hyatt, James Wasserman, and John Matthews.

My Blog


I'll crawl for youHurt if you want toI'll be the thing that you feed I'm not askingFor love or redemptionI'll sell my guilt to your need I'll breathe for youDie if you want toI'll mourn with you by my...
Posted by on Fri, 24 Oct 2008 04:20:00 GMT