¤Fåïth¤ profile picture


Some scars never heal

About Me


My Interests

The Opposite Sex
Body or Face toughie
Looks or Personality personality makes looks
Height way taller then me
Weight athletic
Hair Color dark
Eye Color light is hot, but love dark eyes
Most Important Physical Feature his member ;)
Good/Bad Traits
Funny i like that
Loud only durin sex please
Seductive hell yea
Quiet makes em mysterious..now thats hot
Tall HELL yes
Short no..thanks
Athletic thats it baby
Fat uuhh
Immature hate that
Competitive mmmm sexi
Hyper naw
Smoker cud be hot
Drinker real hot
Smart sexy
Dumb not sexy
Observant extreemly sexy

What would you do if?
What would you do if?
The President of the United States called you: simple..id say ..your the biggest mother fu**er on earth :)
You won the lottery: charity, family, then buy my fav cars
You got invited to be on a reality TV show: lol i was already
You caught a friend stealing from you: catch em in the act, then smile sweetly
You witnessed a murder: if the murderer didnt see me, id go 2 the police rite away
A random stranger offered you candy: id ask for them 2 try it first 2 see how sour it is
MySpace and Facebook closed: then i wouldnt be on the computer
A genie granted you one wish: cant answer that ;)
You lost your favorite possession: i already have when i was a child
You found 10 dollars on the ground: um keep it?
Your date throws up on you: wouldnt hate em
Someone cuts off a chunk of your hair: oh god..dont even let me think bout that
Your favorite celebrity comes to visit you: after hes done wit me, he wudnt wanna stay a celeb
You were stranded on an island with nothing but the ability to make one phone call: police would be nice
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