I'd only lie to someone I love, I'd never shoot someone I hate, I don't always believe in God, But then who decides my fate?
I'm Merriah.
I didn't get where I am right now by chance.
I made decisions that got me here.
I live for the times when everyone around me is smiling, I live for the times when I'm dancing around my house trying to get a step I've been working on for 3 hours straight, I live for the times me and my friends are loitering outside finholms in the middle of winter, and I live for the times when I look back at my life thus far and laugh at how dumb i was.
I regret nothing I've done in my past, and I will never regret what I do in the future.
That's not because I think I'm perfect (because I know I'm far from it) it's simply because I wouldn't have the things I have now if I changed a single one of them.
I act hyper a hell of a lot of my life.
Usually to cover up how I feel.
I don't stick up for myself but if you mess with my friends I can be your worst nightmare.
I Love to meet new people because every person I meet teaches me something new.
And just because you've now read something that I typed in five seconds, does not mean you know anything about me, or the type of person I am.
So if you want to get to know me send me a message.
I love you fuckers,