DSP is a group of poets who express in their blogs and want to have these pieces critiqued as well are willing to critique others in turn.This personality has been created in order to have a central point for the members to ask questions about the ring's dynamic, note problems, give suggestions, and also periodicaly receive featured pieces selected from the ring's wealth of literary work that they may not have noticed or come across yet.
Why isnt this a group?
Well, because if it were a group it would be more likely to attract people with less interest in group improvement than selfpromotion. As a blogring headed by a identity its at least a touch more difficult to join and not contribute. This is not to say that I will be keeping tally of the comments people make and/or assigning quotas to fill, but PLEASE if you find that you do not comment- QUIT THE GROUP as you are just a unit that sucks the energy from the group without giving back and should this group die out as some do I would be willing to bet it would be because of such people. CONSTRUCTIVE CRITISISM if you are able, COMMENTS ON IMPACT LIKE/DISLIKE if you are not. If you dont feel like doing this you dont belong in this group.
Again: If you are not interested in reading and commenting constructively on the poetry of fellow members please do not join this blogring
With eachother's assistance we shall climb the mountain faster than each alone.