A-Town Unplugged profile picture

A-Town Unplugged

beer & cigarettes, ladies and gentlemen!

About Me

Formed as an acoustic duo in the mid-nineties by guitarists/vocalists Marty Paschke (blind) and Rod Zimmerman (bad haji), "The Rod & Marty Show" began to turn heads with their unique blend of intricate guitar work and ear-catching vocal harmonies. Looking to add another voice and guitar to the mix, the duo added Eric Krueger (sunday flood) in 2004 and dubbed themselves, "A-Town Unplugged" as a tribute to their weekly showcase at the MARITIME TAVERN in Appleton, Wisconsin. The group added bass player Jim Van Hout (pawnshop lifters) and drummer Pat Wydeven (pawnshop lifters) in 2005, and continue to make a name for themselves throughout the state and beyond with their signature style of acoustic feel good music that spans the influence of time and musical genre.______________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________

My Interests


Member Since: 12/10/2005
Band Website: for booking email: [email protected]
Band Members: Marty Paschke / Rod Zimmerman / Eric Krueger / Jim Van Hout / Pat Wydeven||||||||||THE MARITIME TAVERN
Influences: the beatles, john lennon, johnny cash, REM, red hot chili peppers, alice in chains, nirvana, pabst blue ribbon, screwdrivers, willie nelson, blind melon, the hollies, simon and garfunkel, jeff buckley, tom petty, judas preist, tool, counting crows, ryan adams, hank williams(es), the cure, the jayhawks, U2, the maritime tavern.
Type of Label: None

My Blog


we added a couple of live songs recorded by 'CRAZY' TODD VANHAMMOND that were recorded live @ the MARITIME TAVERN (sound by JON WEISS, ladies and gentlemen) and at BACHELOR'S (once again, sound by JON...
Posted by A-Town Unplugged on Thu, 17 Jan 2008 02:15:00 PST