when your naked in the street all u got is ur word profile picture

when your naked in the street all u got is ur word

The prefect match, my ass and your face

About Me

You Have A Type B+ Personality
You're a pro at going with the flow
You love to kick back and take in everything life has to offer
A total joy to be around, people crave your stability.
While you're totally laid back, you can have bouts of hyperactivity.
Get into a project you love, and you won't stop until it's done
You're passionate - just selective about your passions Do You Have a Type A Personality?
I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !
You scored as Mushrooms. Shrooms! You're still goin for one of the most natural drugs. You'd like to visit a whole other world, and see things you've never seen before. Fucking trippy.














What's your ideal drug?
created with QuizFarm.comi'm going to school but I still have no idea what I really what to do but thats cool, you get to live with more adventure that way. I get bored really easy,"ADHD" if you know what that is. I hate famous chicks I mean don't get me wrong their hot as shit, but 95% of the time, fake. I hate fake people and poodoles. Little kids are the shit for two reasons one there the furture and all they do is play around. They don't have bills, problems, worrys, man I'm glade I'm still one ha ha. Hockey is the worlds greatest sport football sucks!!!! It's to slow of a game, I get bored. oh same with baseball but softball is cool don't ask there to different sports. Everything about cars suck, but gas. I'm a truck guy no I do not drive a purple suv! It's raydar blue thank you very much. If beer was the rich mans wine I would be a very rich man. Blowing stufff up is fun. Seeing people get hurt is hilareous. Drunkin bowling some much fun. Dirt bikin makes me so happy I could cry. I like a girl that you can bring home to mom and take out partying, plus at the same time be a goodey goodey two shoes. fat chick creep me put, fat chicks that dress as if the are a size 1 scare the hell out of me. same with skinny skinny skinny chicks. But don't get me wrong I love have a little couchin for the pushin. I resently quit drinking. thank you thank you but don't worry it's only until I quit smoking, witch has been about 4 days own only about 27 more till go till the nicotine is gone. sex is good. sex with someone you love is unbeliveable. periods don't scare me. but ticks do. umm 2+2=4. you and I equal more.That right I'm a poet and i didn't ever know it. That was lame. I suck at spelling. ya whatever

My Interests

You scored as Stoner. Hahah! You stupid druggie!









Emo Kid











What Highschool Clique Do You Belong To?
created with QuizFarm.comTrucks, Car audio, Skateboarding, MotoXross, Snowboarding, Bon Fires, Good times, and chilin with friends

I'd like to meet:

Marijuana is dangerous?The word you here most often associated with Marijuana is dangerous... Marijuana is dangerous they say it in all the propaganda over and over... but they never tell you why it's dangerous and to whom it's dangerous ... Marijuana is dangerous to the rich, to the people who run the timber industries, because hemp board and hemp paper is more durable and lasts longer than its wooden competitors.Marijuana is dangerous to Textile and plastics industries because hemp cloth is cheaper and longer lasting than cotton blends. Marijuana is dangerous to the Lawyers cops prison guards and the rest of the legal system whom would be out of work if not for the flow of Marijuana arrests. Marijuana is dangerous to the big drug dealers who would rather you did crack or heroin... who would be put out of business if marijuana was re-legalized. Marijuana is dangerous to the champions of industry, because in it un-motivates the working masses, they get stoned and realize that they don't have to be the slaves to industry. They realize that the flashy clothes shiny cars and big houses are not going to make them happy. Music love and friends take on new importance’s.Marijuana is dangerous to the government.. Why? I knew you would ask... Because of being the safest of compulsions, even safer than overeating, gambling, drinking, tobacco products and hard drugs. Those who have in the past or in the present, partaken of the evil weed represent a majority in this country. Over fifty percent of the voting population admit to having smoked marijuana, at some point... most of the rest lie about it. Is there any question in the mind of the group assembled here today, that if every person who ever took a drag, whether they inhaled or not got behind a single candidate in any election at any level of government he or she would win by a landslide.But most of all Marijuana is dangerous to the smokers! Not because of health or mental problems but because they become unmotivated politically, sit back as the government continues to escalate the war against its own citizens. All the while those who would be hurt the most by re-legalization, continue to collect their fortunes from those of us struggling to survive at the bottom of the food chain.


Sublime, Pearl Jam, 311, Pantera, offspring, Green Day, Chevelle, 3 Doors Down, Goo Goo Dolls, Blind Melon, America, , Kotton Mouth Kings, Static X, Everclear, John Mayer, Pink Floyd, AC/DC, Nirvana, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Atomsphere and much more


Their are way to many movies out their to watch in one lifetime. So I don't really watch movies unless I'm chilin with a lady, then movies kick ass if you know what i mean. But Ace venture kicks ass, shit any thing fun is good it my book. um Blow, Trainspotting, gone in 60 seconds, the big lembuski, recreim for a dream, Fast and the furious, etc


I don't really watch the tube any more manly because i don't have cable, but thats a good thing. When I do watch the T.V. I like the simpsons, Smallville, faimily guy, and what ever else is on with my 12 channels.


My Mom and Dad, without them I wouldn't be here! The girl that a meet back in high school, she helped me see things from the other side! 4 wheel drive, for saving my ass! Helmets, for keeping this face in one peice! The fuck u buton on cell phones, some people just don't get it! remote controls, for every time I didn't have to get up! Brain, Jizz, tusan, for saving my as when my Mom opened my safe!