"Souled Out Comedy" is a multi-headliner show of African-American standup comics who got their start in the Def Jam era. Come laugh at the jokes and hear the stories that took us from Def Jam to mainstream. The show features Rick Younger(Showtime at the Apollo, National tour of "RENT"), Mike Yard(HBO,Comedy Central), Leighann Lord(Comedy Central,The View), Wali Collins(David Letterman,Spin City), Mark Theobald(Comedy Central,Last Comic Standing) and Dean Edwards(Showtime at the Apollo,SNL). "Souled Out Comedy"(Every Thursday) New York Improv, 318 W. 53rd St. between 8th and 9th Ave. (212-757-2323) Subway: C,E to 50th St. 9PM, $10 plus two-drink minimum.