The Online International Ukulele Orchestra profile picture

The Online International Ukulele Orchestra

About Me

The Online International Ukulele Orchestra came into existence one drunken night when Lisa ran into Mondo. Or, rather, Lisa's bike ran into Mondo's left thigh. Both of them went flying, landing squarely on their round parts.
Lady luck smiled on them, though. She may have even drooled a bit. Their ukuleles and their senses of humor emerged from the accident unscathed. The former stayed safely strapped to their backs, and the latter was only enhanced by the large quantities of alcohol consumed that evening.
Discovering that they both played the ukulele, they decided to form a band and start performing together, once the bruises and sprained wrists healed. However, the ladies lived more than 120 minutes apart. Undaunted by geographic distance or musical ineptitude, they were determined to make it work.
The solution? The Internet!
The ladies exchanged song chords and vegetarian recipes online and began building a repertoire of nearly four songs, all in the key of C. As long as the songs contained no E chords and the recipes contained no meat, they were in fricken heaven.
Friends swarmed out of the woodwork by the half-dozens, demanding to be included. The "orchestra" happily welcomed everyone. Once accepted, these new members figured they'd better go buy a ukulele and learn how to play.
The current roster boasts membership from four continents across 18 time zones. They all play soprano ukes (except for the ones who don't) and perform cover versions of a wide range of obscure songs from the 20th and 21st Centuries. Their favorite songs are the ones about robots, or the ones sung by Muppets.
While none of the members have actually performed on stage together, their roommates/boyfriends/husbands/cats think they're really good.
The online rehearsals are spent, for the most part, brainstorming song titles and generating album cover artwork for songs and albums they never intend to create.

My Interests


Member Since: 21/10/2008
Band Members: A continually modulating rainbow of lovely ladies who wish they could grow out their fingernails.
Influences: George Harrison, The Dead Milkmen, Tom Jones, Hall & Oates, Uni and her Ukelele, Kermit the Frog, that one guy on that TV show, and all the ukulele players of the world.
Sounds Like: a unicorn pooping hearts and farting rainbows
Record Label: None
Type of Label: Major

My Blog

We have seen the future...

...and ukuleles look like this.
Posted by on Sat, 24 Jan 2009 07:27:00 GMT

The Muppets Know Good Music

Happy New Year!!Gonzo. Ukulele. Silliness.What could be better?? "You do ludicrous things!""Of course I do. I'm an artist."
Posted by on Fri, 02 Jan 2009 02:48:00 GMT

So who got a new ukulele for Christmas??

Some of our members got new ukes for Christmas and thought that would make a great song title.  "New Ukes For Christmas."  We should have the song ready to perform by next Christmas.Still ot...
Posted by on Sat, 27 Dec 2008 00:59:00 GMT

All The Chords Youll Ever Need

It takes very little to get started with the uke:  just one finger.STEP ONE:  Hold your newly-tuned uke. (see previous blog)STEP TWO:  Place the ring finger of your left hand on the 3rd...
Posted by on Sat, 08 Nov 2008 06:22:00 GMT

Uke can tune a uke but uke cant tune a fish

New to the uke?Congratulations!  You're part of the few, the proud, the Sparkle Army.However, dot dot dot, before you can be a full-fledged member of the OIUO, you have to make sure your ukulele ...
Posted by on Mon, 27 Oct 2008 17:58:00 GMT