I am a very simple person. I don't get mad easily,unless there is drama started with me or my friends. I like sleep because dreams are the best entertainment I have. I also like to watch people, not in a creepy way I just find people interesting and you can learn more about somone by watching them for 5 minutes than talking to them. I love meeting new people yet I'm not the kind of person to initiate conversation. I believe in saying things only that need to be said. There is way too much needless words spoken. I think that if people said less then they wouldn't be misunderstood so much. I believe in love but I think alot of times people throw that word around without considering it's true definition. I like to play in the rain assuming I can change out of wet clothes when I'm done. I like cats better than dogs. Cats are so much smarter and self reliant. ..This profile was edited with MySpace Profile Editor MySpace Profile Editor music layout @ HOT FreeLayouts.com