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About Me


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About me
I am a degree trained Medical Herbalist and Nutritionist, a wholefoods super chef, raw food nut, and natural healing obsessive teacher and preacher based in Cambridgeshire UK. I run my own private practice and natural health consultancy service called 'Natural Solutions'. This service offers everything from clinical consultations, through to guided shopping trips, home based wholefood cookery lessons, and product development work See the website for more details
I have developed a medicinal food preparation system, where whole meals and menu plans can be developed, and tailored specifically to an individuals illness or specific health concerns. This system is not based on mere nutrition and vitamin and mineral content. Nor does it involve food energetics like many traditional healing systems like TCM and Ayurveda. This is unique work that will change the way you think about food forever!!
I am begining to generate considerable media interest in my work and now contribute to publications such as 'Mens Health Magazine', 'Positive Health',FHM, Sunday Mirror magazine, and will soon be doing a regular column in 'Get Fresh'. I am the resident natural health expert for BBC Three Counties Radio - so if you live in Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Cambridgeshire, and some parts of London, you can tune into me every third thursday from 14.30. Visit threecounties website for details of how to listen online
I have just written an eBook called 'The Superfoods Bible' an understandable A-Z guide to these weird and truly wonderful foods that have come into light. I am starting work on a second book which will be in hard copy format and will be my introductory text to medicinal food preparation. This work will thoroughly outline the theory, and more importantly the HARD SCIENCE behind this system.
Finally, in 3 months time Im starting work on a TV show. Ill keep you posted on that one
Just a little note about comments. I have a lot of love for people who leave genuine comments, and I appreciate it deeply. But I would kindly ask that people dont leave me comments shamelessly plugging products, or containing massive pointless images that make my page take 10 minutes to load. Huge thanks on that one.
Thats it for now - tatty bye!!!!
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Articles by Dale : recent written works
Medicinal Mushrooms: the new addition to Western Herbal Medicine.
The actions of Herbal Constituents
5 Herbs for Detoxification

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I would most like to meet Rosa Kato , and confess my undying love...lol. But generally i want to meet genuine, switched on, open minded people. I hate blaggers and bullshitters, and have no time for people who dont know how to treat others with kindness and respect.Would like to meet people from all over the globe, particularly Asia (Japan, Korea, Malaysia etc) as I have spent a great deal of time there and it has a very special place in my heart.

My Blog

Superfoods on TV

I can imagine that many of you saw superfoods hitting the news on national tv over the past couple of days. Sadly it seems that there was just a total focus on the fact that indeed some of these super...
Posted by on Wed, 16 May 2007 12:23:00 GMT