About Me
Hey there, My name is Joseph. I live on the Navajo Reservation with an AWESOME native family that I have the great honor of helping out! I herd sheep, chop firewood, watch sunsets, card wool, tend to the horses (I'm learning to ride), pick corn and basically live a beautiful life away from civilization and on my own. I am an independent free-spirit and I love taking wild adventures, traveling across this beautiful nation and taking calculated risks that have a good cause behind them. Right now, I am waiting to get into nursing school. My ultimate goal is to become a registered nurse and then buy a van, deck it out to live in and then travel around the country as a wandering human rights activist. That's all I care to say about myself, the rest of my page is devoted to exposing the new world order and one world government. I hope your eyes are opened. - 2008
I have recently considered "toning down" my page in an attempt to not freak out or offend people. However, after re-reading the things I have wrote over the years, I have decided that the page will stay the same. I love the truth and hate the lies of this world; I love the truth even when it is ugly and horrable because it is still truth which needs to be exposed. I love also the beautiful truths because a beautiful and just God first promised them and now they must come to pass. If the things I write about freak you out... ask yourself if it is my words which upset you or the reality that you know deep down that the things I speak of are true. But regardless of the evil that is in this world and regardless of my flaws and the flaws of my brothers and sisters, Jesus is coming back to set things straight.
The ONLY way to Heaven!
To the Illuminati Luciferians: Be afraid... be very VERY afraid because the Lion of Judah is coming soon!!
NihiTaa' yá'Ä…Ä…shdi honÃlóonii,
NÃzhi' diyingo óolzin le',
Bee nóhólnÃihii náásgóó k'ee'Ä…Ä… yilzhish le',
Ãádóó bee ÃinÃnÃzinii t'áá yá'Ä…Ä…shdi áánÃÅ‚Ãgi át'éego
Nahasdzáán bikáa'gi áánÃiÅ‚ le'.
Ch'iyáán t'áá ákwÃà jį.. niha'iyÃÅ‚tsódÃgÃà dÃà jį.. nihaa
Ãádóó t'áá nihich'į' bÄ…Ä…hági ádaanÃiÅ‚ii bá
yóó'adahidiit'aahÃgi át'éego
Nich'į' nda'ayiilzÃhÃgÃà nihá yóó'ahidÃ'aah.
Ãádóó nihà hodÃnóotahjį' nihi'óółnÃÃh lágo,
Ndi bÄ…Ä…hági'át'éii bits'Ä…..Ä…jį' yisdánihiyÃnÃÃÅ‚.
Háálá ahóyéel'áágóó ni t'éà nóhólnÃÃh áádóó t'áadoo bee
nóodziilà da, Ãnda ayóó'áńt'é.
T'áá ákót'ée doo.
A Message to the Luciferians who control the whole world yet nothing at all:
Bush thinks they are going to be successful... in a way he is correct. When they bring their planned chaos on the world scene, and offer their world system as a solution, people are going to be climbing over each other to get in line... tis true. But what they do not understand is this... they are not the rightful rulers of this earth, the Lord Jesus is! Everything they succeed in is only because God allows it to happen, so they have no real power outside of what is allowed of them. Yes, they will have their New World Order but it is going to be pathetically short. Look at the history of the Satanic Kingdoms:
Egypt: 2000 years in power
Babylon: 800 years in power
Rome: 300 years in power
America: 250+ years of power
New World Order: 3 1/2 years of power
Enjoy your Kingdom while it lasts because what are you going to do when Jesus comes back to deal with you people? Who can stand against the wrath of the Lamb? All of your power and terror and malice will amount to absolutely nothing when our Lord and Savior comes to set things straight! The horrors that you have brought on the world... the terrors you have brought upon the little children (DAMN YOU!!!) will come back upon your own heads ten fold. You are going to hide yourselves in the rocks of the earth like animals and will find that all your wealth and power can not protect you during the day of the Lord, YAHWEH. Your blood rituals have hidden you from the eyes of the people and the eyes of law enforcement but no amount of ritual is going to be able to hide you from the great and TERRABLE wrath that is going to come down upon your heads! You are going to find that even though you deceived the whole world, no one was as deceived as YOU YOURSELVES and that your god, Lucifer, lied to you and used you. I tell you, BE AFRAID... BE HORRABLY AFRID OF THE RIGHTEOUS JUDGMENT THAT THE LORD WILL BRING! It is not too late for you, you can repent of your sins, you can turn from your wicked ways and be healed! Satan has deceived you into believing that you are bought into his system for life, but one ounce of the Lord's grace is enough to cover a multitude of sins and set any captive free! HALLELUYAH!
Yes... I understand what you can do to me, I know that you have the power to crush me like an ant but it is the power and might of the Lord that I speak off. Compared to our mighty God, You are as gnats who strain against a universe of solid rock, thinking that you will move it. You, and all your kind, are about to be uprooted from the earth and burned like weeds, none of you will remain. No... not one of you will be found any more on the earth; the mouth of the LORD YAHWEH has promised this. The wicked will be cut off from the earth forever but the children of righteousness will enjoy a peace that has never been known before in the entire history of the Earth. The Lord will ascend down from the clouds with the sound of a mighty trumpet and he shall rule the Earth for 1,000 years, NOT YOU! The people will beat their swords into plow shears and they will learn war no more. The earth will be filled with the knowledge of the Lord as the waves cover the sea and we will return to a way of life in communion with our Lord far away from YOU! The lion will lay down with the Lamb and a little child shall lead them! A child will play near the vipers nest and will not be harmed, for love and gentleness will rule in the hearts and minds of every living creature. This is the promise that the Lord has spoken and his word is true, Let it be so.
WARNING!!! These are the final days. The world is not how it seems... our leaders are not how they seem. Our culture is about ready to reap what it has sown for hundreds of years and most people have no idea what that means for them. Our entire system is being controlled by a cabal of unimaginably wicked people. They are the royal order whose bloodlines trace all the way back to ancient Babylon... and beyond. They are known as the Illuminati, the Order of Death, the Brotherhood of the serpent and so forth. They are the bane of human existence but understand that we have helped them retain there power over the years. They are Luciferians, meaning they worship the form of the devil as he was known before his rebellion against God when he was cast from heaven. They, like their father, seek to lie, cheat, steal and kill. For thousands of years, they have murdered the innocent and have even disguised themselves as Christians as a means to profane the name and character of the true God, Yahweh. These people are in control of everything we know in this world and they have one goal... to unite the world as one, world-wide government.
I understand if all this sounds cryptic but to he who has ears, let him hear... To those who are looking for the answer to this world's problems, they will understand. Our world is in a very dark time right now and people need to wa-.... thought I was going to say "Wake Up", huh? Well, I do not fancy cliches and what does that term even mean? What is their to wake up too? Instead, I will speak a truth that has and will change the world... a truth that may save your life one day if you will accept it. Live your life in the truth of the love of God, the truth is Jesus Christ or Yeshua Hemashia. Do not follow man's ideas of religion unless it is the religion of feeding the widows and visiting the fatherless (which is the ONLY God ordained religion). Walk in the paths of righteousness, be fearless, trust in the Lord and he will protect you. Know, Yeshua and live by his commandments, which can be summed up as follows; Love the Lord your God with all your heart and mind and strength and Love your brother as yourself.
If you live for Yahweh and are in his perfect will, then you will not even fear the reality of your eventual death. When our society begins to collapse and the evil (which we watch on television and naively think is fictional) begins to manifest in front of our faces, we will have no fear. In fact, we may be putting the fear into THEM!
I am myself, constantly in a process of conforming my life around this path and it is hard... but I would not have it any other way. Their is coming a day when those who love God will triumph over all the power of the wicked and the Lord will bring his true will upon the earth. There is coming an age of time, that the Lord Yahweh is going to bring, where all violence will cease from the earth. The Lion will lay down with the lamb and a little child will lead them... this is our promise from the Lord, this is our hope.
(Above) A sermon that may change your life! SHOCKING!!!
(Above) A message from a radical man of God. Listen to what this man is saying and change. It is not to late but our time is running out.
My absolutely ADORABLE niece, Little Lauren. I love her, my sister and my brother in law so much! Great people!
My name is Joseph but I also go by Morning anywhere past the Rocky Mountains (sounds cheesy but its true). Please do no look at my profile and attribute me to some wishy-washy, New Age, Hippy... I am a very straightforward man who seeks to follow the God of the Bible and his son, Yeshua Hameshia (Jesus Christ). I believe that we are living in the last days and that people better buck up and start living for the truth, lest the be swept away into the lie of the New World Order. I do not believe that there is going to be any rapture that will lift us up off of the earth but that men will soon be required to choose between God and Satan, the Kingdom of Heaven or the World. I am intrested in being a disciple of Christ and using my life for his purposes, I want to be a prayer warrior and strike fear into the hearts of the wicked doers. I believe that Jesus Christ is my savior and the ONLY way to heaven
I really am just a simple person but God is awesome so he has led me to do some pretty exciting things. I lived in a tree for two years and know a thing or two about living in the woods, building homes in trees, enduring a wind and rain storm, dealing with bears and mountain lions, defending trees from loggers and finding the joy in isolation with Yahweh. I lived down on the navajo reservation for a little bit and herded sheep through the canyons of Arizona; so I can also tell you how to find lost sheep, how to ward off preditors, and how to deal with pregnant goats and how sheer sheep. But now I am going to school for nursing because I want to travel around the world and work with people as an independent missionary. I am looking forward to the future and I am very grateful to God for everything - 2006
Me and my little sweet-pea goat, Izzy. Isn't she cute?