Majestueuse Vahine !
Like Jeff I LoVe PorNoGrAphY...CaLl Me NymPhO...I HaVe MaGs @ HoMe...AnD LikE SwEet HaYaTo I LiKe To ReLaX to MuSic EspEcIaLly ThE OnEs ThaT SoUnD GooD...BuT I HaTe Hip HoP and AlL ThAt R&B CrAp... I LovE ThE BeAcH...I Am SuRroUnDeD bY WatER AnD i oNLy GO tO tHe bEaCh lEsS thAn 3 tIMeS a yEaR
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cOmEdY! cOMeDy! sUsPeNsE! hOrRoR! i Am A sUcKAh fOr rOmANcE..... bUt i LoVE aCtIoN.. lIkE kUnG fU aNd aLl dAt sHIt
sEx & tHe cItY "WhAT gUrL dOEsN't lOVe sEx & tHe cItY", lAw & oRdER (svu), cROsSINg jOrDaN, tHe gILmORe gURlS, mtv...lAs vEgAS, sAtUrDAy nIgHt lIVe, mAD tv., iN lIViNg cOlOr, sMURfS, gEM & tHe hOLOgRaMS, hEEmAN, tOm & jErRy, eTc....
dOeS cRoSs wOrD pUZzLEs cOUnT aS a bOOk, bECauSe I Do A LOt Of ThaT StuFf... PoRn MagAzInEs.....I HaVeNt ReAd MuCh LaTeLy, BuT I cAn SaY ThAt ThE bEsT BoOks I HaVe ReAd Was "White OlEanDer" anD "A BoY CalLed It."
I have many heroes in my life: My Moms for being as strong as she can be, after everything I have put her through she is just the bestest. My dad, who always listens to everything I have to say, every complaint, every sad story, every joke, put it this way, I AM MY FATHERS DAUGHTER! My Auntie Julie, who in thick n’ thin stood by me in many ways imaginable. She had taught me many of life’s lessons and she also taught me that without standing up towards your dreams, and making them come true, they would forever just be dreams. And last but not least, my ever loving and ever supporting sister, who I definitely can say “I owe the worldâ€. She has been there for me through everything, without her, I would be late in everything. She’s there for my son when I can’t be. There are just not enough words in this world to express my gratitude towards her. I LOVE YOU TITer!Kamuela was just so PROUD of his May Crowning Experience...Did I mention that he wanted to be a POPE!