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My name is Shotwell

About Me

I am a professional wrestler and I run the Michigan Professional Wrestling Academy in Monroe MI. I offer the best prices around and can offer more than most schools. I own my wrestling ring and I rent it to many promotions. I help run numerous wrestling shows around Michigan and have connections to big promotions. I was one of the trainers who lead Zach Gowen, the "one-legged wrestler", to the WWE. I have confidence in my students and I am always here to help, even after your semester at my Academy is through. However, I WILL tell you like it is. If you have enough heart, you can make it. If you want to be a professional wrestler send me a message and I will give you all the information. I’m here for those who really want to be professional and work as a wrestler. That is why I can offer you such a great price. Also, if you are interested in any upcoming shows, I have the information you need.
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My Interests


I'd like to meet:

Potential Wrestling Students or Fans




all except blatant romance


wrestling, sports, history channel


The godfather, the Last Don


My Dad, My Kids, Cristian Troy

My Blog


I am only 27 but I feel really old right now. I threw my back out at the gym playing wally ball last week and it is still killing me. I can do monsults 450 spashes and throw myself over the top r...
Posted by Brian on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 12:08:00 PST


I am currently watching Rocky 4. I just watched Rocky 2. I would have watched 1 and 3 but I have watched 3 a hundred times and Rocky loses in 1.So I went straight to the ones I havent s...
Posted by Brian on Wed, 20 Dec 2006 09:10:00 PST

Indy Wrestling is ruff

This weekend I wrestled in a huge venue in Toledo Ohio. With very few people in it. I wrestled Gameboy in a very competetive match We havent wrestled each other in years and it was pretty good. H...
Posted by Brian on Sun, 26 Nov 2006 10:05:00 PST