Interested in all things 1960's & the sharp stylish mod look. I "look pretty young, but I'm just backdated" so more of a modernist than a parka wearing scooter mod. Passionate & discriminating about clothes & music. Appreciate taste in all things. Dislike incorrect ugly big chunky boots & extreme flares as interpretation of the 60's look. Love everything art deco, space age & modernist design. Style,- but not fashion ! Love people with a sense of humour & having a big laugh. Detest users, condescending bigheads, insensitiveness, dishonesty, fakes, common bad manners, greed, selfishness, smelly inconsiderate smokers
Profile GeneratorSo this is ME ! , OK ? - therefore please understand rejections of friend requests from individuals, DJ's or bands with 000's of friends I have nothing in common with ! - Particularly rap crap, hip hop , dooph doof, techno ,head bang, flossy tasteless boring stereotype faketanned coiffured bling bling style tarts or male fashion trendies.