Melanie profile picture


About Me

I am a born and bred Texan (yes, one of those obnoxiously proud Texans...) but now live in Franklin, TN, which I also love!! I work part time in an office job (so I can pay the bills :) and part time as the assistant youth minister at Harpeth Community Church and have been incredibly blessed and challenged (in every possible way) by really is a DREAM JOB! I don't really know what the future holds but wouldn't have it any other way. I'm not so big on making life long plans because I know if I did that, God would probably just laugh. I'm just enjoying learning more and more about the essence of life - loving God and loving others...if the past few years have taught me anything, they've taught me that there's nothing more important in life than getting love right. To get into the "nitty gritty" of people's lives and to love others deeply and passionately can lead to pain and hurt, but it's the only way to live life richly and fully.
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About Me
Name Melanie
Nickname Mel
Birthday April 16, 1982
Age 25
Height 5'13"...figure it out
Hair Color brown
Eye Color blue
Have You Ever
Been in love well yeah...just not the romantic type :)
Done something you regret of course
Do you ...
Color your hair used to....then decided to stop when my hair started to feel a bit like plastic
Have tattos no
If so how many
Have any peircings my ears
If so how many two
Have a bf/gf nope
Like thunderstorms oh yeah...LOVE long as it's far away
Do you have...
Split personalities no
Obsessions well...maybe some mild ones
Panic only if my life is endangered...and that hasn't happened yet
Anxiety no
Right now..
Current clothes sweatshirt and highwater PJ pants
Current mood very rested and's Christmas day!
Current hair weird question...ummm...I guess curly?
Current music no music...just Full House in the background
Current annoyance my dried out's kinda late
Current perfume/cologne Banana Republic Classic
Current thing you should be doing straightening out the chaos in my room
Current crush none...well maybe this guy I sat by on the airplane like 3 weeks ago...does that even count??
Drink Diet Coke
Color can't say, but if I HAVE to
Candy Reese's
Tv Show of all time? Full House...don't watch TV now
Movie at the moment, Pride and Prejudice
Place 1. nothing beats being at home 2.EUROPE
Person to talk to my sister or Ashley Adamson
Do you perfer..
McDonalds or Burger King Mickey D's!
Root Beer or Dr Pepper Dr. Pepper
Sunshine or Rain sunshine!
Spring or Fall Spring
Winter or Summer Summer
Vanilla or Chocolate depends on what we're talking about
Snowboarding or Sking haven't tried the snowboarding yet, but if I'm anywhere near as hideously awful at that as i was at skiing, it's gonna be scary
Are you...
Understanding definitely try to be
Open Minded very...sometimes a little too much
Bad Tempered no
Happy oh yeah
Bored Easily no...I think you're only bored if you let yourself can make MOST things fun!
Sad well...only when necessary
Unique yeah...if unique means "weird"
What do you like in a Girl/ Boy someone who is crazy in LOVE with the LORD
Eyes not particular
Hair color again not particular...but I might lean towards brown
Long or short hair If the shaggy look can be pulled off, I love that...if not, I like clean-cut!
Hieght we'll have to say at LEAST 6'
Body Type Not such a huge fan of muscle men...but again, not too particular
Personality has to make me laugh, someone humble (I have major issues with cockiness), and FUN!
How would you describe yourself someone who messes up a whole lot but desires with all my heart to follow the Lord and fall more in love with Him every day!
Do you have any Pets? one at home...BUDDY...cutest doggie ever
Have any syblings? 1 sis - Melissa...greatest sis ever
What do you want to be when you grow up? haha...if only I knew
Do you wanna get married and have kids? would love to
What is the best thing about your personality? mmm...I'm pretty easygoing...not high maintenance
What words do you overuse "oh my word", "for sure", "sweet", "nice", "BOOO"
Whats the most annoying thing about you I can be super indecisive
End this survey with a quote You can exist outside of Jesus but you can never live.