just a from honozooloo profile picture

just a from honozooloo

My Interests

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thanks for taking the time out of your already busy day to stalk me.

my name's aaron, i run a small freelance graphic design and photography business called honozooloo . other than that, by day i am a geek at papa ola lokahi.


photo portfolio

honozooloo versionFOUR


i've just launched 5tolife.honozooloo.com ! its a personal photo blog project. you know, that sensitive, artsy stuff that never ends up on honozooloo....all the material nobody knew i created.

do you need a good designer/photographer/sarcastic commentator? if so, [honozooloo] may be just what you need!

guilty by association:

pocket full of monsters crew



those damn neighbors nextdoor


politically: leftist // socially: smart-ass // televisually: i don't have cable, but adultswim.com // dispositionally: geeky // literately: marquez, coehlo, phil dick, neruda // musically: hip hop, jazz, death metal, punk, two-tone // those who know me, know me: those who don't can ask whatever they want to know.


recently on rotation on the ipod:

[ sing nina.... ]

common market - sing nina sing (page track) res - one anthony hamilton - do you feel me heiruspecs - i know zion i - fight for the right muse mix zion i ft. the grouch - one (santogold RMX) sound providers - set it off atmosphere - happy mess one day as a lion - wild international zero7 - speed dial no 2 brother ali - take me home OBR - alone edo g - wishing k-os - crucial dj vadim feat. slug - edie brikell (sixtoo remix) black sheep - summa the time
small talk

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    jillsis gavincuz colincuzjuanP the TRUTH mofo genuineHI stannn konegro &drew A$EN! harumiThehymn dead beets blessdchilCarol!chris L. looooolie J BLESSDchil nix view all

My Links

    honozooloo.com honozooloo photo gizmodo.com

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    best viewed in make your own unPIMP your profile!: 5ThirtyOne

My Blog


first off, wow.  my last post was in january.  maintaining honozooloo leaves me little time for introspection or "blogging" or diarrhea of the keyboard or whatever the hell it is you want to...
Posted by on Tue, 08 Jul 2008 16:03:00 GMT

old & busted

the blog is looking a bit limp. images linked to in el bloggo were inadvertently deleted when i chose not to renew a domain that they were sitting on. whoops.more and better to come in 2008 anyway.....
Posted by on Wed, 23 Jan 2008 23:47:00 GMT

WHATiiFF? 2007

So I got this crazy, last minute, fun project on tap for the iiFF, or the Islander Independent Film Festival.  And 1 night, 10 hours, and a pot of coffee later, ta-da!www.cinemaparadise.orgProps ...
Posted by on Tue, 06 Nov 2007 13:52:00 GMT

an elephant with an ipod, clouds, and procrastination

an elephant with an ipod, clouds, and procrastination....that's pretty much what this post is all aboout.i threw together a new logo for quadmag.com a month or so ago. they like it. :)..also designed...
Posted by on Thu, 19 Jul 2007 22:58:00 GMT

the view....

...is pretty nice.just got moved into my place...a few weeks ago. well more like a month already. the moon was full and the view was so inspiring i had to get a cup of coffee or two into me so i cou...
Posted by on Sat, 14 Jul 2007 16:50:00 GMT


beware. bitches.so i'm walking around downtown today and see this stenciled on the sidewalks:..its kind of like a public service announcement, like those "this drain empties into the ocean" messages....
Posted by on Fri, 04 May 2007 16:01:00 GMT

i'm (in)famous!!!

i'm famous!....sort of.so i did an online interview and submitted a photo to hawaii business magazine a few weeks ago and what do you know, my picture and a qoute ended up in the magazine. does this ...
Posted by on Wed, 02 May 2007 03:41:00 GMT

waikiki night timelapse

timelapse madness!so i took a small tour of downtown honolulu this sunday night...i ghetto rigged a D30 on a tripod in my tacoma, slapped on an 18mm lens, fixed the iso @100, aperture @ f/8, and shutt...
Posted by on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 21:02:00 GMT

endless breaks [ gHI ]

went to check out..this past saturday night. it was hosted by the good folks at KTUH. specifically, jake of the genuineHI show.it was a great night, good vibes all around, and some of the finest nam...
Posted by on Mon, 02 Apr 2007 03:20:00 GMT

WUSS 2007. Be there or be a bitch.

if you didn't know this already, i'm officially a professional computer nerd. again. so today starts out just like any other day at the office. i walk in to work, boot up, check the server logs, re...
Posted by on Wed, 14 Mar 2007 21:10:00 GMT