laying next to my hubby and laughing, shopping, eating, drinking dr. pepper, scary know.
cRaZy GiRlS! YeP...29 kNoWs HoW tO pArTy! ~tHiS iS mY bAcKyArD~
wE l♥Ve VeGaS!!
I love watching movies that will scare the shit out of me....movies that leave me laughing days after I've seen them.....cute love stories as well, even though for some reason I dont cry at them.....but for the most part I love em all!
Adam and I love love love Desperate Houswives!! During the new seasons....sunday's in our household are D.H. nights!! I go crazy if I miss a minute of it!
wIfEy ♥ hUbBy
My parents and my wonderful husband who is serving our country as I speak...