My interests change like the seasons, but I just to get out and when I am not out, I sleep. I am trying to work on my new passion to be studying, it would make my life easier. I am going to have to get back to you about this one, it varies per person I hang out with.
People in general, I can get along with just about anyone without being fake. That is what is so great about me I only judge if you are stupid and if you don't know where you are going in life. I am only here to make you stronger and for people to help me stay as I am. I like people who know what they stand for and have opinions, I don't care if they are not my own, because that is what will you great to me.
I like to listen to a lot of hip hop and other modern day music, but i really like soul 70s.
I haven't seen a lot in my lifetime or most likely don't remember them, but I like comedy and action the most.
Extreme Makeover Home Edition, Desperate Housewives, and Grey's Anatomy. I like Sci Fi, Lifetime, and sometimes MTV/BET.
Da Vinci Code, Soon: Beginning of the End, A Day Late and A Dollar Short, Beloved, and other classics