PUT YOUR ABOUT ME SECTION HERE!My names Rachel, i live all over the place, sometimes in leam sometimes or even occasionally sometimes in florida.
My Parents live in America so i live in Leamington atm!I work In Leamington at the Care Bureau.Changes may take up to 2 mins to show on your profile..
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Rob Van Dam......Angelina Jolie definately............. umm Tim Burton as he creates some of the best characters ever! ................Rob zombie cus the devils rejects was wikid! as was house of a 1000 corpses............... The undertaker as hes a great wrestler............ Shaun Michaels as hes great too......... Trivium as there amazing.........id like to meet a live fraggle but i dont think thats gonna happen.......or a smurf...... or maybe an elf.......or a moomin!! (man moomins are cool!)......or maybe even a thundercat?? .......or top cat! ....or a flintstone.....or maybe just maybe even a lemming!! how cool would that be!! .....oooh or couldmeet bodger and badger!!(mash potatoes!!)....... ooooh or a poddington pea!! i dont like peas but maybe poddington ones are different?? altho i do like th pea cars!!i sooooooooooooo want one!!! ....... imagine meeting the jetsons!!...... or dastardly and mutley!! ...... *floats away into a wierd world of cartoons*..............