It took the death of hope to let you go profile picture

It took the death of hope to let you go

I am here for Friends

About Me

My names Rachel, i live all over the place, sometimes in leam sometimes or even occasionally sometimes in florida. My Parents live in America so i live in Leamington atm!I work In Leamington at the Care Bureau.Lauren:You were a friend to us all, and were there for us whenever we needed you. you did everything you could to cheer me up when i was down. i just wish i was there for you when you needed me. you will always be in our hearts and we will miss you forever. there is an empty space in us all without you here.We will always remember you. may you rest in Peace and forever be with us.All my loveRach xIn Tribute:To Matt,i will always remember you and you will always be in my heart. You were always a good friend to me and were there when i needed someone to talk to.To shelley, matt loved you with all his heart (he told me on countless occasions) and im so sorry to hear what has happened.I will always miss you, as will many of us.May you rest in Peace xx

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

PUT YOUR ABOUT ME SECTION HERE!My names Rachel, i live all over the place, sometimes in leam sometimes or even occasionally sometimes in florida. My Parents live in America so i live in Leamington atm!I work In Leamington at the Care Bureau.Changes may take up to 2 mins to show on your profile..
.. PUT YOUR I'D LIKE TO MEET SECTION HERE! Changes may take up to 2 mins to show on your profileView Blog | View Pics | Add Comment

Rob Van Dam......Angelina Jolie definately............. umm Tim Burton as he creates some of the best characters ever! ................Rob zombie cus the devils rejects was wikid! as was house of a 1000 corpses............... The undertaker as hes a great wrestler............ Shaun Michaels as hes great too......... Trivium as there like to meet a live fraggle but i dont think thats gonna happen.......or a smurf...... or maybe an elf.......or a moomin!! (man moomins are cool!)......or maybe even a thundercat?? .......or top cat! ....or a flintstone.....or maybe just maybe even a lemming!! how cool would that be!! .....oooh or couldmeet bodger and badger!!(mash potatoes!!)....... ooooh or a poddington pea!! i dont like peas but maybe poddington ones are different?? altho i do like th pea cars!!i sooooooooooooo want one!!! ....... imagine meeting the jetsons!!...... or dastardly and mutley!! ...... *floats away into a wierd world of cartoons*..............

My Blog

Boyfriend/girlfriend app. - stolen from kate! love ya

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Posted by on Sun, 26 Feb 2006 12:39:00 GMT