Caity profile picture


clap your hands and say caitlan!

About Me

myspace layouts for Get this layout for your myspace page.well im one sexy motherfucker and you want to be me. jess is my bitch, shes one good bloke, top chick that one. i love the OC and dancing motherfuckers gonne drop the pressssureeee do do doooo! I have a string of boys attatched to me which makes me very cool. I like getting drunk and then abusing written by the jesh = D----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------LOVES! - STEPHEN, MY FRIENDS, white chocolate, caramel milkshakes, the oc, greys, sleeping in, shopping, spending money, DANCING LIKE A MOTHERFUCKER, singing, clubbing, my family, getting drunk and thinking everything is hillarious, getting drunk and thinking im hillarious, the beach, summer, my birthday, nice people, goign out with my mates, "going out for coffee" - even though i dont drink it, carlton footy club, my cousin kellie, my bed, hugs, kisses, hanging upside down on the monkey bars, swimming, drinking sprite, taking photos, THE KILLERS AND U2.--------------------------------------------------------- --------------HATES - waking up early, travelling out to lilydale for uni, waking up w a hangover, gay episodes of the Oc, rude people, not getting a seat on the train :(, not having credit, not having money, budgeting, mints, being sick, people being mean :(,

My Interests

dancing, hooking in, macking out, dancing, drinking, going on adventures, picnics, dancing, playing with my awesome friends, dancing, hooking in.

I'd like to meet:

robbie williams hes so 2005.. someone hotter than jess/div


Red Hot chilli peppers, U2 , killers... :D


Romeo and Juliet , Love actually, Bridegt Jone's Diary, Notebook, anything w Hugh Grant in it..... i cant think of anymore..... how to loose a guy in 10 days :D


oc..... greys ROCK MY WORLD :D


embed allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal" enableJSURL="false" src=" ear1=2006&tmonth1=12&tday1=29&thours1=0&tmin utes1=0&event=FALLS!!! enableJavaScript="false" :D&clr=0x0033FF&tseconds1=0" loop=false


jess, because shes just a bit of a babe