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David Kim®


About Me

So, I've known David for a good...three weeks now? haha, but he's a cool kid. HE LOVES SABRINA. He's very chill. He loves country music; rap would be at the bottom of the list; or maybe the other way around :) He has A.D.D. so just be patient. He's pretty mean&obnoxious, but you'll get used to it after a few unnecessary phone calls(; I hear he's spoiled, but he doesn't act like it. I have to second Isra in saying that he really does have the worst pick up lines, but they make me giggle.. so I guess they're alright. He sucks at baking cookies, and I quote "Do you BAKE the cookies?..." If calling him becomes an option, don't do it; he'll just turn on the TV and ignore your every word. The mom's at my church thinks he's cute&adorable, but I beg to differ x]JK? He's too lazy for my liking(: His biggest fear is dying single. He whines a lot about wanting a girlfriend, so give him a call if your good looking&interested. Don't ever let him tell you to "calm down". He owe's me a dog, so you guys can keep him accountable for that. He has a very nice and even skin tone :P Overall, I think he's very sweet, so ladies, don't be afraid to give him a call(; -ILOVEYOUDAVID. David is a pretty awesome guy. He’s somewhat well-rounded, a bit. Your average joe, but he’s really spoiled. And I’m jealous of his mother that frequently takes him on shopping escapades. Him and his new Tiffany&CO. ring, high-tech phone, Xbox 360, and tons of clothes. I think I have just a little more clothes than him. Maybe. Yeah, I know what you’re thinking, “let’s beat up this little spoiled kid and take his cool stuff!” But if you got to know him before you plan to punch the money out of him, you’d think he’s a pretty cool guy. David is an overall nice person with a funky laugh. No, seriously. When David laughs, you never want to tell him another joke ever again, so he’ll shut his mouth. But that’s just ‘David’, I guess. I deal with it. He was born in Baltimore, Maryland and raised in Chicago. David frequently has amnesia. He always forgets what he was supposed to say and a few months later, he’ll tell you. You just got to be a little patient, just a tad bit. David has what you would call a ‘chick’ car. But that’s okay, because if you ask him, he’ll take you anywhere in his cool car ‘cause he’s oh-so nice. He attends Mill Creek High School, and he loves God a lot. And David also has a best friend named Sharon, which would be me. David regularly attempts to emulate my superior intelligence, but it never works out. Just give up, dude. I’m going to be a doctor, and you’re going to be the unsuccessful business man owning a dry cleaners, possibly even Namdaemoon. Just kidding, David. We’re going to grow old and make fun of each other for the rest of our lives. So you, whoever’s reading this. Show David some love. He needs A LOT of it :)this is isrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrra(: ookayy. so david's pretty gay. he wont stop making fun of you & he has the worst pick-up lines in the world. HAHAH. jkjk. like when i first met david, i was like.. hey! he's pretty nice. & he's like a rich and scientific with is lacoste polos;D yeah.. then i started takling to him.. and its like, insult after insult after insult. and then he goes..AHHAHA for about 10 minutes then says JKJK. lolx) david's about two years older than me, & he has his license. i don't call him oppa, cause he don't act like one . justttkiddding. he has a HUGE SHINEY smilee, and he's pretty cute . haha wink wink nudge nudge. he has a tiffany&co ring, which is pretty smexy. i mean.. how many guys can pull that off without looking gay. LOLL. yeahh. did i mention hes tall? hes tALLL. loll(: his passion for christ is more than you'll ever see in a normal personn. and its always good to be around him cause hes all giggly XD he's actually not a bad guy, so go UP & be like ehyy davidd. lets party hardy. haha:) david is loved by isrra & YOU will be loved by davidd. lol. i promisee. but if you just HAVE to be a hater & mess with him... im short&stubby but i can still eat yo face. haha. peacee?so david wanted me to do his about me :] YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYYAAYYAYA this guy actually means a lot to me; he..s been there for me for quite some time! and he can make me laughhhhhhhhh[: i love hanging out with him and his goofy self & riding in his scion tc [his car] david sucks at driving(= JUS.. KEEDING.. [not really] (; lmfao, you can joke around with him and he really wouldnt care :] he has a great sense of humor. he..s a bit girlcrazy too(: one time i remember hanging out with him at barnes & he kept checking out this one girl. nasty fool [; & this guy is pretty darn rich&handsome too! yahahaha, oh he..s also allergic to like.. i think milk was it? :] so dont feed him cheese or ice cream or any milkshakes. he..s pretty lenient with rides & stuff and he..s really kind. he..s the life of the party, but he loves slapping me. CHILD ABUSE MUCHO?! he also goes to millcreek high & attends the church siloam a handful of people he hates. but, mess with him and your messing with me. & you dont want that. i can kick you in the balls & walk away laughing(: thats only if you mess with david; and i..ll also judochop you. so i suggest you not mess with this dude♥ -well this is his about me from another view ♥, ally :] PS. i♥you david franklin kim!

My Interests

Knowing God loves you and me, Family, Friends, Traveling, Eating, Playing Sports, Being myself, Sleeping


Simpsons, Futurama, Family Guy, Lost, and Heroes


Jesus, Those who love others just for the heck of it.