Hi, I'm Matt! The community which loves true rock n' roll demands that Robert Plant returns to Led Zeppelin!!!! THE VOICE OF GOD BELONGS IN THE GROUP OF THE GODS! Eric Clapton is my hero.
I ride a bike, it's not a few sizes too small, in fact, the geometry is perfect! Flat is life.
I'll be starting a boxing / kickboxing school soon, and will update my Myspace to correspond with it. For those of you who have a background in martial arts that dates back to the early 90s or prior and care, I was trained under Brian Demello and Justina Hall, two people I look up to with the utmost respect, along with their son and my best friend Nick Demello, who I've trained with for around 15 years. That's right Nick, I'm not starting the school without you nomatter what man ;)