My Blog
Saving Lauren meant replacing more then 80% of her skin
Greg Manning could see from the terrace of his apt that the jet had struck near the offices, where his wife worked. For the next 1/2 hour he paced frantically, stopping only to pound the wall an...
Posted by on Tue, 16 Jan 2007 23:28:00 GMT
Lou Gehrig and his retirement speech, just 2 years before his death from ALS:
fans, for the past 2 weeks you have been reading about the bad break I got. Yet today i consider myself the luckiest...
Posted by on Tue, 16 Jan 2007 22:49:00 GMT
A man is known by the books he reads, by the company he keeps, by the praise he gives, by his dress, by his tastes, by his distastes, by the stories he tells, by his gait, by the notion of his eye, by...
Posted by on Mon, 15 Jan 2007 15:40:00 GMT
An Unconditional GiftKindness .
In the quest to create a gentler, more loving world, kindness is the easiest tool we can use. Though it is easy to overlook opportunities to be kind, our liv...
Posted by on Mon, 15 Jan 2007 15:21:00 GMT