Danny D......... profile picture

Danny D.........

UNC Tarheels............

About Me

From the Outer Banks of NC (Manteo). Graduated from UNC-Chapel Hill receiving my Bachelors Degree in Exercise Sports Science. Played varsity football for 5 years. Haven't left the HILL since I got here. Partnered up and opened several successful establishments on Franklin St. back in 2003. Likes to have fun and entertain. Enjoys going out with my boys regardless of where we are. Traveling is a plus for me. Big sports fan, especially UNC events............ Spoon's Golf Tourney Weekend........ The boys at Alge's suite at the Falcon's stadium watchin Crump get down....2 touchdowns

Me and KB at the Peach Bowl..... Peach Bowl Champs!!!!!
I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.6 !
"Chapel Hill" the best place in the world..... Me, Bomar, Donte celebrating after a TD in the Vegas Bowl 1998....... "Here we come!!!!! Chez, KB, Boz, me, and Irob celebrating another UNC win........ Me, Mal, and KB beatin up on Wake Forest Jr. year.......KB, Dre, V. Holiday, Alge Crump, Lil Will, Quickie, O.B., Geet, Boz, Ches, K. Knight, Dookie Tay, Q. Monk, and Willie P. @ Dre Bly's All White Party........ Former teammate and now Superbowl Champ Willie Parker at a UNC game....... Wide Receivers vs. Marshall........ Former teammate and now Steeler's Superbowl kicker Jeff Reed after the UNC vs. Maryland basketball game 2/26/06......... About to hit the town in a stretch avalanche 2-25-06........... Me, Jeff Reed, and the boys at Top of the Hill 2-24-06......... Out with Big Q. Monk.......... Wildin out on Franklin St................... Me and my partner and crime Greg Boone .....you know where to find us "Avalon and WB Yeats" The boyz off the field............ Me and Ike.........Get Your Own! | View Slideshow My God daughter Kylie......G is going to need a gun to keep the boys off her pretty soon.

My Interests

Get Your Own! | View Slideshow Another fun weekend........ Me and Dre Bly taking 2nd in his golf tourney.... Amanda and Kim in Atl..... Limo night with the boys.......Me, Marcus Ginyard, Cam Sexton, and Big Dean....Little grub time after the game with Crump, B.Russ, Tameka, and Andre 3000......Me and B.Russ...Falcon's locker room....... My home girl Miss Lorrie Fair......... Me and Jeff kickin it at Yeats........ a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank" My doggs Rico and Ian....... Me and Hatz at La Res.....Bday weekend 2006...............Sports, Music, Cooking, Goin Out, etc........
Name: Danny D.
Birthday: April 3rd
Birthplace: Virginia Beach, VA
Current Location: Chapel Hill, NC
Eye Color: Brown.......
Hair Color: Black.......
Height: 6'1
Right Handed or Left Handed: Depending on what I am doing.......
Your Heritage: Half White (dad) half Vietnamese (mom)......
The Shoes You Wore Today: Nike Shox............
Your Weakness: Alcohol........
Your Fears: Accidents.......
Your Perfect Pizza: Meatz Lovers...........
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Be successful.........
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: Yo sonz......
Thoughts First Waking Up: Please don't let it be time to get up.......
Your Best Physical Feature: Not sure........
Your Bedtime: Fallin asleep is hard for me and so is wakin up when I finally do fall asleep...
Your Most Missed Memory: Playing for UNC..........
Pepsi or Coke: Diet either way........
MacDonalds or Burger King: MacD's.........
Single or Group Dates: Depending on the date............
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Homemade sweet tea........
Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla.........
Cappuccino or Coffee: Cappuccino..........
Do you Smoke: No..........
Do you Swear: No............
Do you Sing: In the car...........
Do you Shower Daily: At least twice, 1 before bed and 1 to wake me up in the morning..........
Have you Been in Love: Yes............
Do you want to go to College: Already did and would go back to do it again if I could.......
Do you want to get Married: Yes, but not anytime soon.......
Do you belive in yourself: If I don't then no one else will...........
Do you get Motion Sickness: No..........
Do you think you are Attractive: That's up to you...........
Are you a Health Freak: In some way..........
Do you get along with your Parents: Very much so........
Do you like Thunderstorms: If I am inside............
Do you play an Instrument: If Xbox and PSP count.........
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: Yes.......
In the past month have you Smoked: No.........
In the past month have you been on Drugs: No.........
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: Nope, to cold..........
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: No........
Ever been Drunk: Yea, but rather just have a nice buzz........
Ever been called a Tease: Yep..........
Ever been Beaten up: Only on the football field..........
Ever Shoplifted: I did before I got a butt wippin in front of all friends when I was a little kid.......
How do you want to Die: At an old age and knowing that my family is well takin care of.........
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: Happy.........
What country would you most like to Visit: Vietnam so I can see my heritage.......
In a Boy/Girl..
Favorite Eye Color: Blue or green.......
Favorite Hair Color: No Favorite........
Short or Long Hair: Probably long......
Height: Shorter than me..........
Weight: As long as she doesn't throw up after every meal she is fine with me.....
Best Clothing Style: As long as it's clean it's fine with me........
Number of Piercings: I have no peircings, I don't care how many she has......
Number of Tattoos: None............
Number of things in my Past I Regret: Can't regret just learn my lesson as I move on......


I'd like to meet:

Me and Ty Lawson out on the town..... Go Steelers.......Greg Warren and Jeff Reed Visiting Big G in Jax Florida with Darian Durant....Went to an Avalon Club haha Me and Ike twisted again....... Rico, me, and Edaddy in Baltimore...... Ian, Ric, me, Nikki, Kiki, and Dave chillin in Baltimore..... Bmore girls are wild............ Me and my runnin mate KB about to do what we do best......... Me and Amanda in ATL...... The boys out in Chapel Hill...


Can listen to anything..........Ol school, New School depends on the mood.Wiz Khalifa - Say Yeah
.. Me Crump and MPerry in ATL.......href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank" Raymond Felton, Big G, me at the NBA draft party last year......... Me and JJ Redick gettin some air after a tough game of beer pong at Doc's house........... Duke basketball boys Demarcus Nelson, Big G, me, and birthday boy Sean Dockery in Raleigh.........Go HEELS!!! Leavin the hotel with Jeff Reed about to go at it for the 3rd straight night.......... Me, Alge, and Russell Dean at La Res......


Pretty much owns every movie that hit the charts since 1995......I watch a lot of movies. Anything with Jamie Foxx, Jim Carey, Cuba Gooding Jr., Vince Vaughn, Will Farrell, Martin, the Super Bad crew, etc. Don't sleep because you may walk in while I am watching Shrek or Toy Story II. Finding Nemo and Bugs Life is up on the top of my list......... Me, Ike, Marty, Doc, and Lee and the Pussy Cat Dolls/Black Eye Peas concert 4-18-06......... Me and Ian in Charlotte for New Years 2006.......... Me and Miss Amber breakin in a new club at NC State......... Me and the wolfpack girls at the game after the Heels blasted State "2005"..... 2005 UNC football Green St. house alum night........


Football/Basketball Games, Chappelle Show, Friends, MTV, movie channels, mostly Sports Center. TV is on all day at my house......... Jeff Long, B Russ, Ike, Big G, Me getting ready to hit up Franklin St........ Big G, Atlanta Falcon's Alge Crumpler, Me after shots of Patron........


Marcus and Bobby under age drinkin haha............ Former UNC teammate and now Oakland Raider's Ronald Curry acting up at my house party........ Me and my former teammate UNC's record holder QB Darian Durant at my house for a little late night session........ NC State's QBs Marcus Stone & Chris Moore leaving the house to hit up Franklin St......... Concert week...........


Parents.... Doc, JJ, Me out on Franklin St........... Me and Will doin a little pregaming with the UNC volleyball girls at my house......... Jami, Me, and Kim late nighin on my back porch......... Chapel Hill on Tuesday, Raleigh on Wednesday, Wilmington on the weekend for Dillon's Bday..............