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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Click here to get Falling Objects .. .. .. .. .. .. ..What could I say other than I am my worst critic, so nothing you say will ever hurt me!!! Im a hot tempered Aries. I live life as it comes and tend to live for the moment. my mouth hase gotten me into alot of shit thru out life, but nothing I couldnt handle. Ive been known to throw a few back and become my alter ego Mr. twister. few have had the pleasure of meeting him, but he does leave a mark with those who have. Ive made mistakes but who hasnt. I have fallen for alot of " the wrong ones" but dont regret any one of them. my mistake make me who I am today. I live life fast, Im always looking for that rush. I dont alway think things thru, and I smoke alot of weed

My Interests

I obviously enjoy the one thing we all do: SEX!!! I enjoy everything Goth, and Mystical!!! I like to chill with the homies, kick my feet up and smoke on a blunt. I like watching football when my Raiders are playing ( dont speak no offence i wouldnt listen). I like to watch the lakers in action. but at the end of the day my main interest is chillin with my two sons. Cleaning Out My Closet Video Cleaning Out My Closet lyrics - Eminem lyrics .. Eminem Music Videos Music Video Codes by VideoCure

I'd like to meet:

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Click here to get Falling Objects .. .. .. .. .. .. ..I really want to meet Jennifer Love Hewit..I would give her my last name. I would love to meet the president since I did vote for him twice.. I have met shaq but would like to actualy chill with him..Ive been wanting to meet Randy moss, but even more so now that he is a Raider.. I would like to have met Adolf Hitler, not for what he stood for, but I would love to pick at his brain.. I would love to meet MYA...god she's beautiful. Really there are alot of people I would like to many to mention..


Cleaning Out My Closet Video Cleaning Out My Closet lyrics - Eminem lyrics Eminem Music Videos Music Video Codes by VideoCure


American me, the exorsist, Friday night lights, any given sunday, band of brothers, we were solders, Hamberger hill, silence of the lambs, ninja turtles, huck finn, secret window, frailty, american history x,lawn mower man, hitch, without a paddle, orange county, tommy boy, black sheep, the ladys man, spun, fear and loathing, debbi does dallas, one flew over the kokos nest, anger managment, full metel jacket, cheaper by the dozen,radio flyer,total recall, all the terminators, all the fridays, lord of the rings, harry potter, transformers, apocolipto, men of honor, i now pronounce you chuck and larry, open season, corps bride, over the hedge, cars,to be continud
discover what candy you are @ quiz me
Your Homicidal Rampage! by crash_and_burn
Your name:
Weapon of Choice: Chicken McNuggets
Your Favorite Target: Emo-kids
Your Kill Count: 1,590,743,027
Your Battle Cry: "Allow me to molest your face with this rod!"
Years You Spend in Jail: 7
How Much Money In Damages You Cause: $27,333,694,723,063
Your Homocidal Insanity Level:: 72%
Quiz created with MemeGen !


I Love Lucy, King of the hill, The Simpsons, Everybody loves Raymond, the King of Queens, Just shoot me, That 70's show, and Girlfriends. mash, stanford and son, all in the family,


Your Death made simple by PSOLaguna
Your real name
Date Of Birth-00/00/00
Youll die on September 26, 2029
You die of Sickness
Your Death Will Cost $599,322
Youll go to Heaven

Quiz created with MemeGen !


My grandfather ( Opa ) He was the smartest most strongest man I've ever known.. RIP and our American soldiers, those who have fallen and those who continue to uphold our freedoms

My Blog

to my boys

I wake up each  morning in a complete frenzy. Sit back, wipe the swet from my face and think how could this be? Every thing that I feared has become my reality. Nothing i wanted in...
Posted by joshua on Thu, 27 Mar 2008 09:52:00 PST

again and again and again

its snowing again. fuck if it aint god dam it its snowing again. all that whit shit falling from the sky. I sit back on my couch smoking a cigarett wondering why. why wont it stop please make it go aw...
Posted by joshua on Sat, 15 Mar 2008 06:56:00 PST

this is for you justin hahahahahaha

our names are corn bread and collered greens. you fuck with him,then you fucken with me. we give a fuck less, thats the way its gotta be. see? we was raised by the streets. we live life free. we kick ...
Posted by joshua on Wed, 13 Feb 2008 10:53:00 PST

just couldnt sleep

just chillin at like 5 in the morning. cant sleep. whent to eat a peice of cheese and was swept off my feet.then realized i probably aint alive, whent to the bathroom to check my vital signs. looked i...
Posted by joshua on Mon, 11 Feb 2008 11:47:00 PST

another one.......

I get nervous when I get to look into your eyes, my heart breaks with every goodbye. if I could just tell you how I feel, without struggling for words and falling head over heels. love is a weakness t...
Posted by joshua on Thu, 13 Sep 2007 10:41:00 PST

lust or love

confusion has gotten the best of me. through my blood shot eyes I cannot see. Ive spent my life chasing a dream, a special dream that Ive never seen. through brused skin I feel the touch, the thought ...
Posted by joshua on Wed, 05 Sep 2007 10:30:00 PST

its happening again

I open my eyes to darkness. I cant see a thing. I dont know were I am, im completly disoriented with confusion. My mind is playing tricks on me agian, cause I see my grandfather siting in a chair star...
Posted by joshua on Thu, 22 Mar 2007 11:40:00 PST

first class ticket into my head

      ive spent fifteen years chacing after a man I could nont see. Fifteen years chasing a man Im not even sure existed. Half my life gone. I see the footprints, stagger...
Posted by joshua on Wed, 21 Mar 2007 12:18:00 PST

love sucks

I cant sleep, I m wide awake. everything is still and quite in this so called pill box of a house. the minutes keep on passing without fail. I should be used to this, but tonight something is dif...
Posted by joshua on Wed, 21 Mar 2007 10:19:00 PST

huh?? what the

Im staring at a white bottle of maalox liguid. the maximim strength total stomach relief brand. everyone is alseep in this house and it hits me. How beautiful it is to do nothing and then rest afterwa...
Posted by joshua on Sun, 04 Mar 2007 12:44:00 PST