Masthead Banner Made with! Click here to make your own! Make your own banner at!heyhey I don't think I have to say that my name is Chris and all that bullshit cuz most of you people on my page know me and some of you actually like me and what I do haha... I'm really into Music, TV and Music and I'm the guy who quotes shit alllll day long but in between I find time to say something original and equally as funny (or so I think/know) but yeah just roll with the punches cuz I'm probrably gonna say some shit that other people wouldn't and if you're there just recognize thats me and it's not gonna change... learn to love it as I love pretty much everyone who doesn't have rediculous beef with me for no reason... too all the people who I call my friends and family keep showing love and I will return the same in your direction only BETTER quality and STRONGER doses... lata<>1<> Christopher Ryan S....AND TO THOSE OF YOU WHO HATED YOU ONLY MADE ME MORE CREATIVE...
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