Hi My name is Sarahh Gauraunteed to be the best friend you'll ever have. I happen to be a steelers fan, if you aren't then oh well, i don't argue about it, and I don't really care. My worst is my best. I dont believe in wasiting time. I dont believe you should waste your life doing it the way others want you too, like the great Jimi Hendrix once said, "I'm the one that has to die when it's time for me to die, so let me live my life the way I want to." I want to be and i will be a forensic psychologist someday i promise. I love to party hardy and rock and roll. I love myself, my family, and my friends. I enjoy, enjoying a good time. give me a beer and it will be a good time. I laugh a lot, and maybe not enough. I like cute things. I like cute people. and I'll be first to admit i am one shallow piece of shit. i love everyone like a whole bunch. I've never been in love, and i am not rushing to do so. I am single, and I don't mind it. I miss the old summer days quite alot. I don't drink pop. I'm a very picky person, get used to it. so show me a good time and im all yours.
Oh yeahh, if it's too loud, then bitch get the fuck OUT.